So you think you know how to diagnoce a dead motor???

If I ruptured inbetween two cylenders there would be oil in the system. If the head cracked there could be oil passing through. I am not sure if it was really thick whitish steam. Apperently there is plenty of antifreeze in the oil pan.
What do you think was the problem was with the oil guage?
The blue in an exhaust that is burning oil is a very subtle dark gray/blue. I have seen it thousands of times. Antifreeze burns almost pure white often in big billowing clouds. When you have tons of oil in your cylinder (like when you roll) it will start to look more white, but obviously unless you are on your side or roll, you're not going to have that much. You can also tell by the smell. Antifreeze will smell sweet and be steamy when burned. Oil is harder to describe but is not sweet or steamy at all.
Pull your heads off and post some nasty pics of what you find. That's the only way to really find out what went BOOM!
Sunday's the day. I didn't go sniff the exaust. I got antifreeze ideas by the green pee stream. :D

Pix will defently happen. Thats part of the fun of the game.....The result. I will pull the heads off first, then oil pan. With a lot of antifreeze in the pan, I am still saying one or more pistons have ruptured a water port in the block.....
So I found the problem
Stupid image station
The cylinder with the dead valve had a bent electrode,Say #8 (pass side rear) #7 had melted spark plug electrodes, #6 Had melted electrodes, #5 had no tip on the spark plug itself, It was almost like the porcilin broke. The rest were normal. There was a HUGE hole in the #8 Cylinder where the piston hung up. That is why it ended up sceased. I didn't pull the pan, Bet it has cool stuff in it.
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