Some more wandering 2/7 ~ 2/8


Saturday morning Bodine and I met up with Ford Prefect and Yota4Runner in Saratoga Springs then we cruised out through Eagle Mountain sticking to as much dirt road as possible. We met up with sandahauler where Allen's Ranch road heads south from SR73.


We talked for awhile and then headed south. A lot of the snow on the road had melted, and after about 6 miles we were greeted by a river where the road used to be. Between the road being lower than the dry farm fields and the road having a nice bank of snow plowed up on it, all of the water was channeled down the road.

It was 6 continuous miles of 6 ~ 12 inch deep water :eek:

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Then there was the part where there was a big lake on the field



Ford Prefect and Yota4Runner bailed out at Little Moab, sandahauler, Bodine and I headed back to the west to go up Broad Canyon.

It was a very warm day and while we were at LM the Sol had made the trip back across the back snow a tad bit softer.... on the way in I had been pulled over to the side here but made it though. On the way back I got pulled in against my best efforts.... I got stuck this time :(

Even though my rear ARB is now functioning.... I still couldn't drive out of it, and I also couldn't winch forward using sandahauler as an anchor

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so he backed up and gave me a couple good tugs in reverse and I popped up out of the hole.

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There was a LOT of mud out there

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About half of the canyon road was 6 ~ 10 inch deep mud :ugh:

After that it was slush with a very hard layer of ice underneath, hard going when you don't actually have a motor :rofl:


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As the snow got deeper (about a foot where we stopped) and my motor got hotter... the going got tuff.... When you have a flat lobe on the cam you run the timing pretty far advanced so that it "runs" "better", the problem is that when the motor gets up around normal on the temp gauge you have no power and it starts harder (because it's trying to detonate). I was to this point and could hardly spin the tires in low, so we stopped. Just in time to be treated to a show :)

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The motor didn't want to cool down enough, so we turned around and headed for the road that cuts through Topliff.... That road had gotten MUCH softer.... and I got stuck, again...

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I sat the gas tank skid on the ground and broke my exhaust while I was at it :sick:

sandhauler once again floated on by (up outta the drift), gave me a good tug and I popped up out of the hole... Thanks Dave :greg:

With the busted exhaust and very soft road we decided to head back the way we came in.



With the Ramcharger outta commission, it was Bodine's turn to drive on Sunday.

Since we would be in the IJ and have a stock Ranger along we decided to head out on the Pony Express a bit, and circle around the Simpson range.

The roster was Bodine and I in the IJ, talon and Badger in a ranger

We stopped at the Silver Sage on the way out and topped off the gas, then hit the trail


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Then the cloud settled in and made storm on us


talon developed a leak after leaving that canyon


After that we hauled butt up over the pass fighting snow and mud, then hit the Pony Express back to the Silver Sage where Bodine topped off again.... then we went over to Black Rock where talon chickened out and headed home on the rail road bed while Bodine and I tempted fait up the canyon, we made it to the meadow with little trouble because someone with big tires, lockers and some horse power had broke trail already (whew). We turned around there and made for home :)


Yes I have :)

You two get your TJ up and running yet? Next weekend is full but the 28th should bring some wandering.


Unhealthy Obsession
Yes I have :)

You two get your TJ up and running yet? Next weekend is full but the 28th should bring some wandering.

We're getting a $300 kickback from our AMEX to Costco that we'll be buying the Optima with, should be here any day. We'll give you a call when it's ready. Some wandering sounds like fun :)


Sandy, Ut
Death Canyon ;)

There is a bunch of claiming/mining activity going on out that way, pretty much everything up the canyon is now claimed/re-claimed. Corey (GRE) has a ton more info on the current owners as he's been out on their claims with them.


Sandy, Ut
Oh I'm sure he remembered but didn't want to post it to keep people from playing in the active claims.

Could be the case? But shouldn't be an issue at all for respectful visitors. Death Canyon claim owner Floyd Mann is a member of my forum, he graciously invited people to explore the area. Corey knows several of the other owners, its my impression they are all welcoming of respectful visitors too? The majority of mines in Utah are still privately owned and claimed (like 75% of the mines in AF Canyon), unless the owners follow a particular criteria, its perfectly legal to visit the sites, just don't touch their minerals, vandalize equipment or trespass if posted.

There has been somewhat a rebirth of mining in that area, mines near the Fish Springs refuge are re-opening, one of which has the potential and plans to be a huge mine, possible a open pit? I don't know if its a spike in the metal prices, the recent scare of traditional investments or what but mine claims are on the rise all over the state?

Bottom line, be respectful when visiting public lands, claimed or not. And of course secure permission if visiting posted private land :D


Sandy, Ut
Oh, a thought about those "Water2" Claim posts, I'm wondering if those are markers for the mine we call the "Water Mine", Corey would likely know for sure but there is a mine in the area that until last year was under a few feet or more of water throughout its depth due to rockfall and sloughing at the entrance. On a GRE prospecting trip we spent quite some time digging a small trench to drain the mine... it was pretty cool to watch all the water pour out of the opening and down the mountain :cool:

Edit: Just recognized the vertical mine with the cribbing shown in your pics. Remind me sometime to tell you about the OSHA harnesses, ropes and 4 guys with gloves... Bodine has likely heard the story, but its pretty dang funny.
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We're getting a $300 kickback from our AMEX to Costco that we'll be buying the Optima with, should be here any day. We'll give you a call when it's ready. Some wandering sounds like fun :)
Death Canyon ;)
Yeah that one
Oh I'm sure he remembered but didn't want to post it to keep people from playing in the active claims.
Nah I just drew a blank and was too lazy to look it up.
Edit: Just recognized the vertical mine with the cribbing shown in your pics. Remind me sometime to tell you about the OSHA harnesses, ropes and 4 guys with gloves... Bodine has likely heard the story, but its pretty dang funny.
Do tell :)

btw, a friend of mine's dad pushed most of the mine roads out there.... he was with him as a punk kid... I'm sure he has some stories you'd be interested in ;) He is planning on going with us on the 21st