I'm actually sort of working on this very thing. What I'm doing is taking all the guide books for everything from 1 to 5 rated trails, all magazine articles over the last........................15 years, information from websites and consolidating them into one big spreadsheet. It will contain nothing but grids, rating, and any pertitent "need to know" info. There is a catch though. The only way you get a copy is by contributing. That is once I'm done I plan on writing all the 4x4 mags and posting on the websites that if anyone wishes to participate I will send them the master list of the trail names only that have complete data. If they provide data for a unknown trail or complete data on a trail that has......lets say only a start and finsh point, I then add that info to the spreadsheet and email the corrected copy to that person with "all" data. Yhey will then be added to a master list that when changes are made a new copy will be sent to them. This way I should get trail info throughout the US.