SRP Permits


Lobbyist \ Consultant
Yeah let me rephrase that. What I was trying to say is this: When old jeep roads and other fullsize roads are redesignated as open to ATV's but closed to full size vehicles...uh Huston we have a problem. I first encountered this when I was about 12. Our favorite elk hunting place had the only road in to the spot closed to our truck but open to ATV's. It was a pivotal moment in my life. I will never forget I and my father hiking into the place we had hunted for years and others were flying by us on ATV's...I was pissed. The ATV community must see this type of "management" for what it is. An attack on even their access. I believe this is one battle USA-ALL should be able to engage in and even win. If a trail can handle ATV traffic and historically allowed full size vehicles why can't we keep the designation and use open to ALL vehicles? Lets pick a few roads that are ideally suited to this argument and aggressively go after them. If I could get some help I would be willing to dedicate time amd resources to this.
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Lobbyist \ Consultant
One more thing many of you will want to know. We have contacted the State Office about the problems with SRP's. We have had a good phone conversation with them and asked many pointed questions. Almost all of which were answered with silence and a "I'll get back to you on that". So we have scheduled a meeting on Feb 19 to get the answer to these questions. We will report back to the community on what we have found and how to handle the issue of SRPs.