St. George Winter Riding Trip Report

A little late but Ive spent the day figuring out how to publish videos.

I spoke to one of my friends from St George about the Goat Trail. He said that there are actually 3 trails coming off the top and dropping into Warner Valley. The others are called The Horse Trail and the Dealership Trail. The later is called that because one bad move your off to the dealership to buy a new bike. He has ridden all three but won't ride the Dealership Trail ever again. This guy can ride and if it makes him nervous then it must be sketchy.
I spoke to one of my friends from St George about the Goat Trail. He said that there are actually 3 trails coming off the top and dropping into Warner Valley. The others are called The Horse Trail and the Dealership Trail. The later is called that because one bad move your off to the dealership to buy a new bike. He has ridden all three but won't ride the Dealership Trail ever again. This guy can ride and if it makes him nervous the. It most be sketchy

Sounds fun to try at least once.:busted:
We could see one of those from across the ravine. We saw 3 riders ride down to it, walk over and look at it and then turned around and rode off in the other direction. Then they watched us ride down the goat trail and it didn't look like they would follow. They trail they were looking at didn't look possible.