devilbikerdude said:
actully he did have a fuel cut off switch, but didnt use it cuz he always parks in his moms driveway which is in a really freakin nice neighborhood. it sucks but theres not much he can do about it
Not bashing, but think about that statement just a little bit.
Nice neighborhoods are the target, due to the fact that most of the time, people feel safer, don't lock things up, and generally can afford nicer stuff, therefore these neighborhoods become the target.
You (generalizing now) should always use what ever security device you have no matter what neighborhood you live in.
Wifes Uncle is a recently retired Sandy Detective and he and I would talk about this stuff all day long, and guess what cars would get broken into on a regular basis? Pepperwood and the surrounding area, for the same reasons listed above, and pepperwood has it's own security even.
If you are shopping for high dollar ticket items (use stereo's as an example) do you go to Wally World to buy them or Car Concepts?
Same idea if you are going to thieve items, your chances go up (if you hit the nicer neighbor hoods) when searching for some one with a nice 2-3000 dollar a/v system in their ride and leaves the doors unlocked since he/she feels safer in their nicer neighbor hood.
Just food for thought for any of you that feels like you live in a nicer neighbor hood and do not have to lock things up.
Hell for that matter, I don't consider Provo to be all that bad a place, and just two days ago the cops busted some 'lady' walking around the apartment complex checking for unlocked doors; if know one was home she helped herself, if some one was home she simply said sorry wrong apartment.
This is one of the oldest tricks in the books and it happens to homes as well, in the home situation, they knock, ring the door bell, no answer, then they check the doors if one is unlocked, they help themselves.