STOLEN!!!! nissian 240sx with sylvia motor


ask me if I care
next door
I am 100% in agreement with PierCed_3 we should be able to modify our vehicles and not have to worry about freakin theives. I am stiil pissed about my roof rack that was stole last june and still looking at every one that I see to see if it is mine. We dont have to be feel like it is our fault that OUR stuff gets stolen when we work our asses of to earn it in the first place!!!!!


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
hey i'm not sitting here laughing at the kid .but it happens its the way the world has always been.its the human way.go back to caveman and i can assure you onehad something shinny and another one wanted it and took it when the first wasn't looking.its always going to happen somebody is always going to want something for nothing and if they can do it with ease they will.taking steps to slow them down is the only thing you can do .

as for bypassing cutoffs thats hard to do when you don't know what to bypass.

fuel cut off -unless you know were the fuel pump is and wire activates it then you are going to be there awhile.

ignition cutoff-same thing unless you know exactly what i cut off you will be there for some time.

in my jeep i could pull two relays and unless you knew to look it would never start.todays cars aren't like the old days .ya you wanted a car you ran a hot to the coil,a hot to the ignition relay ,touch the starter relay and you were off and going.with computers and sensors they have on motors today all it takes in putting a switch on one of them and the car won't start.good luck finidng which one it is i said with todays cars you can have a cutoff switch or two and they will never get it unless they take it with a tow truck.
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ask me if I care
next door
Badger said:
but it happens its the way the world has always been.its the human way.

I dont neccecarily belive that the human race that way we may be prone to it but we dont have to cause if thats true I would have every thing I ever wanted cause I would steal it but I dont! And if the the world is this way it will remain this way until we activly take a part to do something to stop it instead of saying the owner didnt take enough precautions to protect his
sh!t. But hey thats just my .02 cents.


Registered User
ya everyone needs to take a stand or else it is goin to keep happeing, when u get a car u wanna make it nice nobody wants to be driving a junker thats why people build there car up we shouldnt even have to worry about putting switches on are cars and high tech alarms people just need to grow up and realize how they would feel if they got something stolen or something happend to there stuff even if they are those drug addicts out there that still stuff they would be pissed if they lost there own transportation or even there drugs. ya well hopefully someone will get caught and carma will come around pay back sucks :D


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
hey i'm all for punishment of the just keep taking what i'm saying the wrong way.the human race is nothing but a bunch of deviants .in the time we have been on this earth we have done nothing but trash it as a whole.sure there are the good but they are few and far between .every person alive (for the most part) would just take as they pleased if it were legal and don't tell me other wise cause i don't want to hear it.if there wasn't a law saying you couldn't take from your neighbor the only thing stopping you would be the fear of your neighbor coming after you.

this is one of the reasons i'm all about CCWs and the right to bare want to come after my sh1t then you better be ready to take a shell or want to get my stuff when i'm not around and you get it you better damn well hope i never find you .i'm all for carma ,you get what you give ,etc,etc...

i'm not advocating theft or the act of stealing in anyway.i'm all for chopping the hand of a theif off to make them learn what will be taken from them if they continue.the reason why people steal is because they are not affriad of the consequences .oh no a quick stint in jail for auto theft.the money and quick cash to them out weighs the break they get when caught.think about they get caught and they get sent to a place were they live rent free,have cable,get three square meals a day,get to sit around a lot.ya sounds rough what the worst they have to contented with some tough guy that if you got on his good side your fine or get in with the right group and your fine.if they are willing to take on a life of theivery then they are more then willing to deal with the small vaction known as jail.i say you won't to steal you get caught you lose a hand .you do it again you lose the other these days and times that doesn't make you a true cripple so you can find some remedial task to get by want to keep it up then the next time you are just shot .why continue on the path we are on its stupid and it doesn't work.we have over crowded prisons full of these wastes of space.just teach them what penilties follow what crime they get to the third strike and they are struck down and be done with them.

thats about the only way you are going to stop any type of crime.remember back in the mid-west in the old days you were shot for screwing with a mans horse.i'm all for that
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ask me if I care
next door
Badger said:
if there wasn't a law saying you couldn't take from your neighbor the only thing stopping you would be the fear of your neighbor coming after you.

this is one of the reasons i'm all about CCWs and the right to bare want to come after my sh1t then you better be ready to take a shell or want to get my stuff when i'm not around and you get it you better damn well hope i never find you .i'm all for carma ,you get what you give ,etc,etc...

If this were the case we would be in a state of chaos destruction like some of the third world countries with no laws and/or goverment, but on the other hand some other countries go to extreme measures like "you steal someones property we take your hands" and those countries have low crime rates cause they are hard on criminals. Like the some of the villages in afghanistan that I saw if there was a criminal of any sort not just theives the whole town would chase them and punish them if they caught them. They dont have kill switches on their donkeys and mules or padlocks on carts and mud huts. They handle their problem.

I also am a advocate for CCW. It my second amendment right, I have fought for it, and I belive in protecting myself, the ones I love and our property with deadly force if necessary. I also agree with your statement on prisons these days it is just a resort for them everything is free there, it just reinforces their mind set on not working for what you need and want!!!

My main beef that got me ranting and raving about this is seeing someone blamed for having their sh!t stolen!!!
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Bone Down

Well-Known Member
Badger said:
i'm not advocating theft or the act of stealing in anyway.i'm all for chopping the hand of a theif off to make them learn what will be taken from them if they continue.the reason why people steal is because they are not affriad of the consequences .oh no a quick stint in jail for auto theft.the money and quick cash to them out weighs the break they get when caught.think about they get caught and they get sent to a place were they live rent free,have cable,get three square meals a day,get to sit around a lot.ya sounds rough what the worst they have to contented with some tough guy that if you got on his good side your fine or get in with the right group and your fine.if they are willing to take on a life of theivery then they are more then willing to deal with the small vaction known as jail.i say you won't to steal you get caught you lose a hand .you do it again you lose the other these days and times that doesn't make you a true cripple so you can find some remedial task to get by want to keep it up then the next time you are just shot .why continue on the path we are on its stupid and it doesn't work.we have over crowded prisons full of these wastes of space.just teach them what penilties follow what crime they get to the third strike and they are struck down and be done with them.

thats about the only way you are going to stop any type of crime.remember back in the mid-west in the old days you were shot for screwing with a mans horse.i'm all for that

I agree today's laws favor the crimenals and punishes the victims, what were those last two cases over the last couple of months?

One guy in VT got what 6 month's probation for admitting he had molested his friends daughter for FOUR solid years?

The guy in Ohio admitted to molesting 20+ boys and he got away with (i forget the number) probation only as well.

With out making this to political I think america has become to soft.

Cane the young for graffity, punish the rapists and molestors ( I say off with their nutz), kill the killers (no more of this 30-40 yrs on death row crap).

Come on you can rob the elderly all day long for millions, and get 5 years probation in the right court, or a year in jail... crap hide enough of the millions you stole and retire in a year, only thing keeping most people from doing such a thing is their own morality and sense of values and most importantly respect for themselves and for others.

Each generation loses the most important thing of all and that is self respect and respect for others; oh yah and the lose a little more common sense each generation as well.

This is JMHO on all of this.
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Bone Down

Well-Known Member
mr_blove said:
I also agree with your statement on prisons these days it is just a resort for them everything is free there, it just reinforces their mind set on not working for what you need and want!!!

Don't forget that now they are hanging out with people of the same sort and discussing what they did wrong and how they will do it differently the next time the are on the streets.


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
i wasn't really blaming him in i said i miss worded what i wanted to truely say.but all in all in this day and age its not what we think it should be.its not all roses and isn't all rainbows with out rain.sorry to say it but you have to take measures to keep your sh1t youres theses days

as said it takes respect for yourself and respect of others to be a good much respect do you see these days not these days have little to none for their own parents let alone someone else.
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Registered User
I'm gonna have to side with Badger on this one. I'm not exactly saying he deserved it, or he had it coming, but with a motor like that in that car, he should ahve tried a little harder to make it less prone to theft. I understand if they want it bad enough they will get it, but why just give it to them if you know what I am saying. There will always be people out there that want something for nothing. The motor he had in that car is a HOT motor. If it weren't, he wouldn't have put it in there. In the street car scene, it's all about being the fastest. That motor is one he!! of a great start. There are a lot of people that would want it. My suspicion is that a friend of a friend found out what he had in there and took it upon himself to take the car. The car basically looks stock from the pics, exception being the wheels/tires that were also stolen. The fact that they put other tires and wheels back on it and rolled it somewhere eludes to the fact that they had it planned out rather well. This is not simply a case of someone walking the street and decides to take the next car he sees. Someone definitely knew what was under the hood and took the time to remove it from him. This can be evidenced by the fact that hardly anything else was done to the exterior.

Do us all a favor and post some pics of the engine before it was removed in the event that this thing pops up for sale sometime soon. Were there any numberings on the block that would help track the motor?


Registered User
Also, since you buddy is in to the whole street car scene, he should keep a very close eye on any local forums, as well as any forums for that particular vehicle. With a score like that, someone is bound to say something in the wrong place. He might not elude to the fact that his new motor was stolen, but he might try to sell it. Or he might be asking a bunch of questions about it and if you can find out where he is located (area wise, not exact house address) you might have a good lead. Do a little detective work.

Bone Down

Well-Known Member
CJJ92yj said:
Also, since you buddy is in to the whole street car scene, he should keep a very close eye on any local forums, as well as any forums for that particular vehicle. With a score like that, someone is bound to say something in the wrong place. He might not elude to the fact that his new motor was stolen, but he might try to sell it. Or he might be asking a bunch of questions about it and if you can find out where he is located (area wise, not exact house address) you might have a good lead. Do a little detective work.

might want to start shoping for any newly up for sale motors from cars that could accept the motor that was stolen, who knows you might find out your motor is in another car all ready and stumble across it by looking at motors that are fresh up for sale.

just adding to CJJ92yj's info.


Registered User
Sandy, Utah
actully he did have a fuel cut off switch, but didnt use it cuz he always parks in his moms driveway which is in a really freakin nice neighborhood. it sucks but theres not much he can do about it

Bone Down

Well-Known Member
devilbikerdude said:
actully he did have a fuel cut off switch, but didnt use it cuz he always parks in his moms driveway which is in a really freakin nice neighborhood. it sucks but theres not much he can do about it

Not bashing, but think about that statement just a little bit.
Nice neighborhoods are the target, due to the fact that most of the time, people feel safer, don't lock things up, and generally can afford nicer stuff, therefore these neighborhoods become the target.

You (generalizing now) should always use what ever security device you have no matter what neighborhood you live in.

Wifes Uncle is a recently retired Sandy Detective and he and I would talk about this stuff all day long, and guess what cars would get broken into on a regular basis? Pepperwood and the surrounding area, for the same reasons listed above, and pepperwood has it's own security even.

If you are shopping for high dollar ticket items (use stereo's as an example) do you go to Wally World to buy them or Car Concepts?

Same idea if you are going to thieve items, your chances go up (if you hit the nicer neighbor hoods) when searching for some one with a nice 2-3000 dollar a/v system in their ride and leaves the doors unlocked since he/she feels safer in their nicer neighbor hood.

Just food for thought for any of you that feels like you live in a nicer neighbor hood and do not have to lock things up.

Hell for that matter, I don't consider Provo to be all that bad a place, and just two days ago the cops busted some 'lady' walking around the apartment complex checking for unlocked doors; if know one was home she helped herself, if some one was home she simply said sorry wrong apartment.

This is one of the oldest tricks in the books and it happens to homes as well, in the home situation, they knock, ring the door bell, no answer, then they check the doors if one is unlocked, they help themselves.


Registered User
Sandy, Utah
wow i totally forgot about this epidemic!! thanks for that link tacoma, unfortuantly he had the sr22 motor which i guess is different. but thankyou for remembering!!! that was a long time ago.


New Wheels Big Trax
I have to disagree totally with this statement. I think people have a right to upgrade/modify thier rigs/cars without fear of getting ripped off. The whole idea of "asking for it cuz your pimped your ride" shouldn't even be an issue. That's like saying it's ok if someone steals your XJ cuz you post pics of it on the internet and you modified the crap out of it.. so your asking to get your XJ stolen.

I am sure the guy worked really hard to get the mod's on his car and then some dillweed comes along and jacks it!?

It would really piss me off if I had my Jeep stolen and the responce I got was "well you shouldn't have modified the motor, lifted it, and put larger tires and axles on it; it's your own fault".

Know what I mean Vern?

There should be a lot more punishment for people who steal!

I agree with your statement, saying you "asked" for it is BullSh**

But he should have insured it properly, if they are giving you 1800, well you sure did not insure it correctly. I know I had my Sidekick insured for 7000, book is like 2,000.

Its substantially more expensive.