Subpanel advise

That’s a big wire! How’d the arm feel after dragging it though the attic?
Dude it seriously kicked my ass! Crawling over the vaulted ceilings with my weak ass arm, dragging a 100lbs of wire, and it was 120° up there!

I legitimately got heat exhaustion and barely made it out of the attic!
Dude it seriously kicked my ass! Crawling over the vaulted ceilings with my weak ass arm, dragging a 100lbs of wire, and it was 120° up there!

I legitimately got heat exhaustion and barely made it out of the attic!

Pick the hottest day of the year to date... sounds like how I tend to plan things.
as a side note... crawling through the attic is yet another reason I love my whole house fan (mine blows into the attic)
kick that bad boy on for 5 min before you go up and no more oven temps
We haven’t talked about grounding.

Do I need grounding rods outside the shop? If so how many, how long, how far apart?

I don't know the answers to those questions, but I do have two unused 8' ground rods you're welcome to if you need one/some. Left over from a previous project
Wish i would have seen this sooner to try and help out. I would have used mobile home feeder wire at 90 amps. It can be free hung across to the shop. No conduit required!

IF the shop is not attached to the house you must use a grounding rod!!! 2 8ft rods per code i believe but 1 if fine ;)
Wish i would have seen this sooner to try and help out. I would have used mobile home feeder wire at 90 amps. It can be free hung across to the shop. No conduit required!

IF the shop is not attached to the house you must use a grounding rod!!! 2 8ft rods per code i believe but 1 if fine ;)
Good info is always appreciated, thank you!

do the grounding rods need to be located anywhere specific? Or just as close to the panel as practical?
Thanks to @I Lean i got a couple of grounding rods and conduit bent up.

I was afraid the 8’ rods were going to be miserable to drive into the ground, but they slid right down with very little persuasion.

Two rods 8’ long, 8’ apart with 4 AWG copper wire7D1C168E-CB39-473C-8FCF-CD13E2F58532.jpegDA6D6AAD-1F2F-429E-B4D5-624E1B3E291F.jpeg7331B51A-B4E5-4EA0-B9C7-B505D4B80A89.jpeg

I also got the conduit ran into the shop and pulled the wire. That was a BEEOTCH!!