Suggestion for lodging near Lagoon?


Well-Known Member
Kaysville, Ut
As mentioned, Lagoon Campground if there is room, Cherry Hill if there is room, or there are several places up Farmington Canyon with Sunset Campground being the first spot on the way up.

How long are you staying and from when to when?
Thanks all, for the suggestions. We ended up just picking a hotel that was close and had a pool. I had to take care of some business in Logan and was thinking of just camping up in Logan canyon, as it is really nice up there…but, It was easier to avoid dragging all of the camping stuff along and just hotel it (this time)

I knew about the camping at Lagoon but wasn’t too excited about that-I wasn’t going to pay their over-priced fee for a patch of grass and the sound of generators running (although it is convenient and having a place to change and reenter the park would be nice)

Thanks for the heads up Farmington Canyon (I have not been up there, but I bet it's nice..) and on Cherry Hills CG I will definitely look into those for future trips. Thanks!