Northern Utah Summer RME Quarterly Training Day - July 19th-20th


Well-Known Member
Summer RME Quarterly 4x4 Training Day

A Event

July 19-20th 2013

American Fork Canyon, Uinta National Forest

CB Channel 17

Rocky Mountain Extreme is excited to announce our Summer Quarterly Training Day! Come join us for an evening of learning, story telling, future trip planning and more.

What is Get to Know your 4x4 Training Day all about?
Whether you're brand new to the 4x4 scene, or you've been wheeling for years, you're invited to attend RME's quarterly 4x4 training day. Come learn about the best places to wheel in Utah, how to drive your 4x4 off road, how to prepare and plan for a trip, how to recover stuck rigs, and much more. Most importantly, you'll get to meet some of our local 4x4 veterans and meet new friends to go wheeling with. You will gain practice driving your rig over a variety of obstacles with experienced wheelers standing by to offer advice.

Who is invited?
Everyone is welcome: new members, friends, family, and veteran wheelers. Even if you're not an RME member you're welcome to attend. This event is aimed at drivers, but non-drivers will definitely benefit as well. If you plan on attending, please reply to this thread so we can get an idea of how many people will be attending.

Regular $6 entry fee to American Fork Canyon site of the Uinta National Forest applies.

Vehicle requiremets
Bring what you've got. Friday night we will be camping at Dutchman Flatt (about 1/2 mile past the start of Forest Lake Trail). If you do not have a 4x4, you're welcome to catch a ride from someone who does. Requirements:

- 4 wheel drive with low-range
- trail armor (sliders, bumpers, skidplates) are always a good idea, but not required.
- Expect zero body damage unless you're trying to get it.
- We will have spotters positioned at the tough part of the trail.
- Not required but recommended: CB Radio. We will be using these to communicate throughout the canyon.
- See individual trail descriptions for more recommendations.

We will be camping overnight. Aside from the $6 entry fee, there are not any other fees to camp there. There are no ammeneties: no toilets, running water, or porta potties. Bring a shovel and lots of water. We will be able to have our own fires in designated pits.

Meet at Tibble Fork Reservoir (point A on map) up American Fork Canyon, Friday, July 19th at 5:30 PM. We will be camping up at Dutchman Flats (point B on map) at 6:00 PM.
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Well-Known Member
Friday, July 19th

5:30 PM - Meet at Tibble Fork Reservoir (point A on map), head to Dutchman Flats (point B on map) and set up camp
6:00 PM - Set up camp at Dutchman Flats (point B)
7:30 PM - class
8:00 PM - class
8:30 PM - class
9:00 PM - class

Saturday, July 20th

8:30 AM: Breakfast (bring your own)
Morning: another class or two, followed by our trail rides.

Trail Rides

- Pole Line Pass to Midway: 2 hours from AF Canyon to Midway (Heber). Extremely easy. No 4wd required.

- Mary Ellen Gulch Trail: 2.5+ hours, up and back trip to an old abandoned mining site, with cabin remains (beginner, easy in a stock 4x4)

- Forest Lake Trail: 3+ hours, up and back to a small lake with salamanders. Lake is about 3-5' deep. (intermediate, stock rigs can complete it with careful spotters, armor recommended, especially sliders)

- Mineral Basin Trail: 3+ hours up and back (intermediate/advanced, body damage possible in a stock 4x4. If you have a lift, you'll be fine with a good spotter. Sliders recommended but not required if you have a lift.

Participants should bring:
Camp chairs
Food (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
Toilet Paper and a Shovel :D
recovery gear
Pen and paper to take notes

Kevin B.
Rock taco
Turbominivan (Friday night only)
ace (Saturday only)
kepkramer (Sat afternoon only)

on the fence:
Maldito X
Tee (Sat only)
hans j
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New Member
This sounds much do the camp sites cost or are they the make your own sites with no amenities?


New Member
Awesome........I dont see why I cant make it other than not having the wifes permission yet......ill work on that so for now put me on the fence leaning towards the yes side.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good. Your wives are welcome to attend if they'd like. We have had quite a few people bring their wives in the past and they enjoyed it.

Even if you can only attend one of the days that's fine.
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Well-Known Member
AF again . :-\
Count me out.

Remember this is a FREE event with lots of people donating personal time and resources to make it happen. I don't know of a better location that doesn't require permits with the BLM permits ($100 application fee, with a 6-month lead time) and insurance for 40+ people (~ $1000). Organizing an event like this takes a LOT more planning and time than you'd think. We'd love to have some more volunteers if you'd like to get involved and make it a better event.

MMP is a great place, and they've been awesome to help in the past. I didn't get the details worked out there in time this year, so this was the next best option. I am hopeful that we will have more events at MMP in the future.
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I wouldnt mind paying a FEE if it was somewhere else . Dont get me wrong I love the trails in that canyon but the overcrowding is getting stupid (rude ATV'ers & motorcycles who think we are in the way and 4x4's going too fast down the main dirt road, I can do without ) . Lil Moab would seem like a good training ground cause its spread out and things for every type of 4x4 to test thier skills on but im sure yall have thought about that so I'll bow out again. Till next time maybe.


Well-Known Member
I looked into little moab and it would have cost me $1200 out of pocket with the hopes of getting it back through charging particupants. I doubt I could get 12 people to pay $100 for this. I enjoy helping put these on but not enough to risk my family's financial position. I'm sure you understand.

I understand you not wanting to go up AF, thats fine.
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Rock Taco

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sixstringsteve

Sounds good. Your wolves are welcome to attend if theyd like. We have had quite a few people bring their wives in the past and they enjoyed it.

Well I don't have any wolves to bring but I'll be there.:D

I barely escaped with my life from mine years ago. :rofl: Im glad some one was able to quote that for my amusement.

Count me in.


Active Member
West Point
Put me on the fence. The only thing that's stopping me is work. I may be headed to Alaska in a couple weeks or possibly North Dakota. I'll know more after I get back from Virginia on the 25th. This sounds like a lot of fun and the wolf will be tagging along if I go.:rofl: