Summit Machine trail run 2/24/07

10 bolt. We dont need no stinkin 10 bolt. Its got the ff14 bolt. (Marc, im the one who came down to your house a few Saturdays ago with the front bib for Greg.)

my ff14 bolt hangs down about an inch lower than my ff ford 10.25, even with a lot of grinding.

but hey it's a friggen 14bolt right?!

i might be able to make the run, i would have to bail early since i got tickets to the utah basketball game.

-87 bronco front d60, rear 14bolt, the econmical 7.5L, twice the power of most jeeps and twice the weight...
I have taken a long break from 4x4ing. In fact the last time I went was a year ago December on this same trail. At that time I had just attemted to put a TBI conversion kit on my Bronco but had little success and ended up changing it back to carburated while on the trail. I have since got the TBI working correctly, and I am excited for the run. I hope the snow clears up, but if not, I will still be there.
Ok, let's see if we can get a head count. We just want to make sure to bring enough donuts.

We will have to wait and see what the weather is like. i have seen conflicting reports over the last week.

Snow or no snow we will be there at 10:00.

Thanks for all of the support so far.
Ok, let's see if we can get a head count. We just want to make sure to bring enough donuts.

We will have to wait and see what the weather is like. i have seen conflicting reports over the last week.

Snow or no snow we will be there at 10:00.

Thanks for all of the support so far.
Do you have a way to register for the event, a way of getting head count? I know that my son and I will be there for sure.

BTW, thanks for bringing the donuts and drinks.
I'll be there in spite of the 3" of snow that got deposited on my seat yesterday :rolleyes: I'm going to drag Badger along kicking and screaming if necessary.