SUWA: Oil development ok, just keep out the OHV's


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
This was in attachment 2 under Transportation

Horse Bench, Jack Canyon, Jack Ridge, and Cedar Ridge roads will be gated within 6 months of signing
this Record of Decision (ROD). Use of these roads will be limited to those granted administrative access
by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
Bill Barrett Corporation (BBC) and other operators will be required to maintain and lock gates for the life of
the project (LOP). The selection of actual sites and the color and design of the gates will be determined on
a site specific basis by the BLM.
All project-related trailer traffic or vehicles with truck-load capacity of 1-ton or larger will be prohibited from
using Prickly Pear Canyon Road (i.e., from Nine Mile Canyon to the top of Prickly Pear Mesa).
BBC and other operators will minimize transportation of routine drilling and completion supplies on
weekends and holidays.
Immediately after drilling and completion activities are completed, locked gates will be installed on all new
roads longer than 2 miles. Gates may be left open during work over operations.
BBC and other operators will be required to maintain and lock gates until the final removal of roads after
the LOP. The location of gates will be determined on a site-specific basis during the onsite process.
BBC and other operators will be required to reclaim existing roads that create unnecessary loops, or roads
that unnecessarily compromise natural and cultural resources as determined by the BLM.
No existing routes will be reclaimed that are the sole access to lands managed the State of Utah without
consultation with the State Institutional Trust Land Administration (SITLA).
Roads will be upgraded to achieve the following objectives:
accommodate future road use needs (increased traffic volumes);
ensure public safety;


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
Paul, with your familiarity with the area is this something we can live with or should we start protesting now? Or is it too late?
The ROD is published, protests now would be symbolic at best. But maybe worth protesting, where was the public involvement in this decision?


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
This was in attachment 2 under Transportation

Horse Bench, Jack Canyon, Jack Ridge, and Cedar Ridge roads will be gated within 6 months of signing
this Record of Decision (ROD). Use of these roads will be limited to those granted administrative access
by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
Bill Barrett Corporation (BBC) and other operators will be required to maintain and lock gates for the life of
the project (LOP). The selection of actual sites and the color and design of the gates will be determined on
a site specific basis by the BLM.
All project-related trailer traffic or vehicles with truck-load capacity of 1-ton or larger will be prohibited from
using Prickly Pear Canyon Road (i.e., from Nine Mile Canyon to the top of Prickly Pear Mesa).
BBC and other operators will minimize transportation of routine drilling and completion supplies on
weekends and holidays.
Immediately after drilling and completion activities are completed, locked gates will be installed on all new
roads longer than 2 miles. Gates may be left open during work over operations.
BBC and other operators will be required to maintain and lock gates until the final removal of roads after
the LOP. The location of gates will be determined on a site-specific basis during the onsite process.
BBC and other operators will be required to reclaim existing roads that create unnecessary loops, or roads
that unnecessarily compromise natural and cultural resources as determined by the BLM.
No existing routes will be reclaimed that are the sole access to lands managed the State of Utah without
consultation with the State Institutional Trust Land Administration (SITLA).
Roads will be upgraded to achieve the following objectives:
accommodate future road use needs (increased traffic volumes);
ensure public safety;

It won't happen tonight, but I am going to get with Scott Wheeler and highlight the roads closed and where the gates will be in google earth.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Recently I saw pictures on RME of a guy on a motorcycle that took a trip around 9 mile canyon and he had pictures of gates closing the road. I would like to see what the sign on the gate said.

I found Gregs bike on Google Earth.........ok, it is just the place where the picture was taken.:D


  • Gregs Bike.kmz
    717 bytes · Views: 6


I run a tight ship... wreck
Paul is correct, that was my ride and those gates I mentioned were private land. I was expressing my frustration after riding several miles up a road, to find a gate. It would have been nice to have a warning at the preceding intersection that indicated that there was no thru access for the public.

That said, there was one canyon that I wanted to ride up, which was closed off due to oil field work. There was a flagger stopping traffic and many tanker trucks going up & down the canyon. It was right next to a compressor station (?), but I don't recall the name of the canyon. If I have time, I'll pull out my map and see if I can figure out where that was. It was within Nine Mile Canyon, one of the smaller side canyons.


I run a tight ship... wreck
I found Gregs bike on Google Earth.........ok, it is just the place where the picture was taken.:D

:rofl: Awesome Paul!! Seeing that on Google Earth makes me remember how far out there that place is and how HUGE the area is! It's impressive, I would hate to see us loose any more access to the wonderful placed & sights up there.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
That said, there was one canyon that I wanted to ride up, which was closed off due to oil field work. There was a flagger stopping traffic and many tanker trucks going up & down the canyon. It was right next to a compressor station (?), but I don't recall the name of the canyon. If I have time, I'll pull out my map and see if I can figure out where that was. It was within Nine Mile Canyon, one of the smaller side canyons.

That is Dry Canyon and it would have taken you to the top of Bruin Point and down into East Carbon. You also could have taken the road at the bottom of the dugway in cottonwood canyon up onto Flat Iron mesa and that would brought you out on Cold Springs Draw that is about 2-3 miles east of where Dry Canyon tops out.
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Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
Just got out of the Salazar Listen meeting. Met Mike S. and Brian Hawthorne. Will post up when I get home. The most important thing I heard was from Bob Abbey (BLM) he said that if the 4x4 community did not control off road use the BLM would close the roads.
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Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
I am too tired, lost my keys for about 2 hours and now I am pooped so will do write up tomorrow. Steve, but what authority do we have? When we phone and take pictures and turn it in nothing happens and I don't want to get shot or beat up by a bunch of nerds.


Poker of the Hornets Nest
When we phone and take pictures and turn it in nothing happens and I don't want to get shot or beat up by a bunch of nerds.

I don't think that the 4x4 community needs to be the police.. due to the fact that if crap happens the damage is already done---

Its about education.. getting those people who are out there and teaching them before they do something stupid.
Steve, but what authority do we have?

Moral authority. And someone once said, "It is the responsibility of the people interested in protecting a privilege to provide the protection necessary to maintain that privilege."

When we phone and take pictures and turn it in nothing happens...

I've had good experiences with LEO's performing the appropriate level of follow-through with the right information. 9 out of 10 instances aren't worth their time to pursue, but the one time it's worth it can be effective. It's also a factor of the relationship you have with the LEO. They act on info from citizen partners, they do not act on info from anonymous and unknown sources.

...and I don't want to get shot or beat up by a bunch of nerds.

This can be a concern and every situation should be evaluated for safety. But it shouldn't be considered a blanket excuse to avoid all contact with law-breaking users.

There are opportunities. Raise money to hire off-duty Sheriff dept personnel. Join (and implement) an actual and effective trail patrol group. Sit in a high-traffic spot and document infractions.

Thomas A Edison said, "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."

This quote is how I explain most of what happens (or doesn't happen) in the OHV community.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT

I did not believe that they would listen and now I know that they have listened but will they do something for the four wheel drive community? It was basically your usual government "dog and pony" show but if it doesn't turn into a real benefit for the country they sure wasted a lot of money.
It started with all the dignitaries talking and then they collected cards from the auiance with writen concerns. After Salazar made his speech he opened up the meeting to anyone that wanted to ask questions. This is where I asked the question, "I have been four wheeling 44 years and have seen many roads closed to the point that if there is Wilderness everywhere where will I be able to go. Not just me but my children, and grandchildren. Why don't you open up a few acces roads in Wilderness areas?" Salazar only answered two questions from the floor. I think one had to do with natural resources and the other was about the cooperation required by the differant share holders. Many people that were there thanked me for my remarks and it seemed like the four wheeling community was the most vocal and well represented. Brian Hawthorne-BRC, Mike Swenson-USA-ALL, Evan Day-Rockhound, Diane Olson-Tread Lightly, ???-Snowmobiler and John Jones??-TBU were the ones I remember off hand. There was a large contingent of a group "Keep Utah Wild" that seemed to be on our side but I will have to check them out.
After this we split up into discussion groups and vented out spleens to three various agency employees who listened, typed and recorded all the comments. Most of the people in my group were pro-access except for one individual that was a member of SUWA that I had a good rational conversation with although we did not agree on many points. He will try to get me a meeting with Ray Bloxham at SUWA.
I have made tentative appointments to meet with Bob Abbey (BLM Utah) this month and Bob Ratcliffe (BLM Chief of Recreation and Vistor Services-ORV use) in Wash. DC in October. When these times have been set in concrete I will ask if anyone would like to join me.