Take Back Utah Rally

There is going to be a Take Back Utah rally at the State Capitol, August the 8th, sponsored by Candace E. Salima. This is important to us off roaders too, because she is fighting to wrest control of Utah lands, away from Federal Government Control. I ask if you can be there, to please do so, and look for her, on Facebook, those of you that are on there. The Rally will be on August the *th at 10:30 in the morning. Thanks.

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
Who is Candace E. Salima? Just asking,I don't know her.

This event is being put together by a coalition of groups with USA-All getting the permits. Chad Booth and Chris Brimhall with At Your Leisure have been very active in promoting it. U4WDA is involved and we will need probably 75 volunteers for traffic control.

It's very important that we get a huge crowd there. We need to get the attention of the mainsteam media and the politicians.

Check out the website; www.takebackutah.org and be sure to RSVP and check the box saying that you will volunteer to help.

Bear T

Tacoma free since '93
Boulder, mt
Yes, who is Candace Salima? I have been meeting with organizers, and planners and have never heard her name mentioned. That is not important though,

This is going to be a huge event, potentially over 5000 off road vehicles from ATV's and Sand Rails, to Rock Crawler and Expedition Vehicles.


Well-Known Member
Its on the calender! Should I take the crew cab, or something more legal?

Or crawler on the trailer behind the crew cab?

Anyway, Ill be there!


Orem, UT
Its on the calender! Should I take the crew cab, or something more legal?

Or crawler on the trailer behind the crew cab?

Anyway, Ill be there!
It's a parade of buggies, quads, bikes, rails, UTVs, even a few sheep camps I heard... So street legal is out the window.

Bring the circus!

Bear T

Tacoma free since '93
Boulder, mt
Everyone that is planning on participating should be sure and register on the takebackutah.org website so they can get a count of attendees.

great scott

Well-Known Member
Just looked at the callender and the 8th is on a saturday. I am planning on going, but what toys to bring? Non street legal is OK? What about kids on motor bikes or ATVs? I may as well bring all that I can cary if its allowed by the law.