Tax return time, also known as actual Christmas

I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser
I don't understand why people want to get a tax return anyway. You are letting the government keep your money INTEREST FREE!!!!!! Its not a savings plan, its a rip off, not only the time you wait to get your money back, but the time and effort to fill out taxes.

Zactly. I try to keep it fairly even...either I get a tiny return, or have to pay a tiny bit, it varies year to year.


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
I don't understand why people want to get a tax return anyway. You are letting the government keep your money INTEREST FREE!!!!!! Its not a savings plan, its a rip off, not only the time you wait to get your money back, but the time and effort to fill out taxes.

for self employed, I don't pay throughout the year, So a lofty check is always nicer to receive than to give


Well-Known Member
I am loosing another child deduction for 2013, i started with 4 and now i am down to 1........ my pay out is getting higher and higher each year..


Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
I don't understand why people want to get a tax return anyway. You are letting the government keep your money INTEREST FREE!!!!!! Its not a savings plan, its a rip off, not only the time you wait to get your money back, but the time and effort to fill out taxes.



Lover of all things Toyota
Mantua UT
I don't understand why people want to get a tax return anyway. You are letting the government keep your money INTEREST FREE!!!!!! Its not a savings plan, its a rip off, not only the time you wait to get your money back, but the time and effort to fill out taxes.

I am getting better with money the older I get, but I have used to claim 0 on my w-2 to save money every pay check as my secret bank account that I can only access once a year. I agree with you it isn't the best financial decision, but money use to burn a hole in my pocket.


Well-Known Member
we're hoping to rent a house or condo and plan to use it for deposit, first and last month bundle that many folks require. if we find a good deal or decide not to move, i want to pay off a credit card.

i told myself i need to get all the parts i bought for the jeep, actually on the jeep before i buy more.

Well, I am married with a 6 year old and 1 year old boys. And my wife and I came up a few grand short of the next bracket up mark(thank god)..... So I think with buying a new house last year and the kids, it should be close or a little more than we got last year. So 4-5 grand or more. Sucked because I claimed exempt the year before and she had to eat 3500 I owed when we got married.... But I'm only expecting 2-3 until I see it for sure. I pay about the perfect amount so I get a couple hundo back off mine and I just haven't had her change her deductions yet.

With that money, I am paying off the rest of my new boy's birth debt. Also paying for some flood damage in the basement I didn't catch in time and cost a bit(may be payed off by return time). Then whatever is left is going to buy the front axle sleeves and gussets for my 2011 Rubicon, whatever rails I decide I want instead of the drop down AMP research steps that I have on now, and I need some kind of rack to have above the rear tire if they make one for gas cans and whatnot. Anyone have a suggestion on that, throw up a link please... Then I guess I will throw the rest at new camping gear. I had everything stolen about 7 years ago and just haven't got around to buyin new gear. There's so much cool shit out now, I told the wife we were spending some on that and she said ok. See ya'll soon!!!


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I'm going to sell a piece of my liver to help pay what I'll owe this year. I'm one of those self employed people. It's very frustrating to operate conservatively all year to try and get a cushion in the business account, only to have that cushion come back and cost you thousands of dollars on your personal taxes.

In unison "**** the K1!"

Anyone interested in a chunk of Scottish regenerative liver?


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Is your liver even worth anything? I mean with the life you lead I can't imagine the value being terribly high.

It's like a well seasoned dutch oven Stephen. It would be like you donating your lips. After all those years of kissing Steve Jobs' ass, they have to have some world class seasoning that's worth something to other Apple fan-boys.

Besides, if you take a 1 inch square of my liver and add it to a pint of good beer, it will actually regenerate me. I'm much like certain species of starfish in that way.


Who Dares Wins
It's like a well seasoned dutch oven Stephen. It would be like you donating your lips. After all those years of kissing Steve Jobs' ass, they have to have some world class seasoning that's worth something to other Apple fan-boys.

Besides, if you take a 1 inch square of my liver and add it to a pint of good beer, it will actually regenerate me. I'm much like certain species of starfish in that way.

I do get paid a princely sum to lick Apple devices at various trade shows for people, I won't deny that.

So basically, if we hack up your liver and dump it into "good beer", then we generate another booze soaked, foul mouthed, hipster. What happens if we dump it in "bad beer" like Bud or Natty Lite? Are they less hipster, but more foul mouthed? How about wine? Only swear in French? Ce serait putain hilarant! Whiskey? More booze soaked, more foul mouthed but less coherent? Whisky? Same as before, only with an Irish accent?

There are so many possibilities to test. When can we start hacking you up? Does the liver have to come from the original, or can we take it from the clones? What happens if we put the whole liver in a growler of "good beer"? Do we get a GIANT asshole?


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
No Stephen, if you were parented better you would understand that at times, the reward for doing something right (finally) is the satisfaction of not having to go another night in solitary.

Oh, and congrats on having your story made into a major motion picture. I never would have thought that River Phoenix's brother would have taken that roll.
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