Wood's report:
Dennis Wood said:The first thing I would like to do is thank the Delta Boys for their help and support on the trail run. It would not have been half the success it was with out their help. Dan and Keith, who acted as our trail leader and tail gunner, and of course Craig for getting it all organized. Thank you .
We had a total of 21 rigs that made the actual trail run. Dan drove down from Logan with his buggy. He spent some time conquering obstacles on the rock crawl course at the Delta Fair Grounds until a front drive shaft yoke gave up and he was done. He got it on the trailer and headed home. Sorry Dan. Those that came down Fri night had the chance to Play on the course. It is so much fun... If you ever get the wild hair to make a trip Delta way for some world class wheelin, do not miss the chance to get a feel for what the rock crawl competitors experience ( ok to a small part, but still ). The course is open to the public free of charge , and they would love to have you use it, Weird huh. Craig Stump has an event planned for May 31. Its all free and designed to be a fun competition for everyone. We will put up a link with the info. April 26 there will be another trail run sponsored by the Delta 4wd club (sorry I didn't get a name). The run will be one any rig can do. It won't be to aggressive, so if you have the hankerin to see some beautiful country head out to Delta.I guarantee you'll have a great time and enjoy their hospitality . They know the the area like no one else and you'll see things you would no way find on your own.
If you missed this trail run, do not miss it next time. It had it all, scenery , old mining cabin and equipment, optional you've got to be kidding me obstacles, some just nasty enough to give you a good rush. Keith took point and kept us moving. The first real obstacle had a bypass as well as a a dry water fall. It gave some very well equipped rigs some grief. It went vertical about 10 feet with a well placed hole at the bottom designed to throw you sideways on a attention getting off camber slope. When you got to the top you wished you weren't there. There was a tree at the top and a steep slope to the passenger side. Probably a third of the group tried it. And 80% made it. Everyone that tried probably could have made it, given enough time. (Disclaimer or easy out for the inability and total failure of those that attempted and retreated in shame). Oh lighten up I'm just kidding. Everyone was very courteous and didn't want to hold up the group. Tom just drove up the obstacle in his 07 4door JK Rubicon with barely a tire slip. That 116 " wheel base really works. Mike and Tom ( the two JK drivers) ,demonstrated the new jeeps abilities all day long. I wouldn't have believed how well they preformed. Nice driving guys.-- The trail pretty much went from one waterfall to the next. I thought we would have to strap everyone over one loose rock/ledge in particular,but everyone with lockers made it over. One helpful hint to anyone spotting Brian Crist, If you tell him to "drive straight at me" he will. No really, he will. Almost faster than you can run. I gave him an A, on listens to and follows instructions. Lane Bowen got the "hang time" award on the same obstacle. After seeing some others having to work at it for a while, he attacked with a vengeance getting all 4 in the air at the top .I didn't think his son John would ever stop laughing. Way to get er done. Lane and Dave's TJ's did very well, driving every obstacle they tried.
We had lunch at the cabin where the upper section starts. That section is one to behold. John Johnson took his buggy up to where the snow became to deep, past three of four ledges I'd have bet a hundred bucks you couldn't drive. He provided some spectacular front wheel standing action on the way back down. Great lunch time entertainment. Thanks John (Idiot).
Chainsaw is a loop trail, assuming you could drive the upper half, and very few can, so we turned around and headed back the way we came. There was a lot of excitement? at the prospect of driving down some of the more interesting ledges/cliffs. There is nothing like a good straight down drop to get your adrenalin pumping. Ask Link Hebrew how he felt as his TBI 350 powered Scrambler suddenly up shifted and launched him off a ledge. We may need to get him some more bump stops if he plans on jumping off, as apposed to driving down ledges that get in his way. That's ok, any landing you can walk away from is a good landing.
This was one of the best groups I've had the pleasure of wheeling with. Everyone helped each other, there was no taunting, great encouragement and cheers as an obstacle was crested. No one went postal if we had to wait a while for every one to get over a hard spot. Good times with good people. Thanks for a great day. All that could, met at a local pizza place and relived the day, and did a little " hanger flyin" before we started back home. It was a full day and well worth the drive. Thanks again to Craig, Keith, and Dan. Lets support them in their up coming events.
Wood out.