Northern Utah Thanksgiving day snakes run?

Fun day out there! Didn't get to meet everyone, but it was great seeing new faces! It was especially cool seeing all the kids.
Thanks for being so welcoming. My wife and I talked about how nice and patient everyone was considering so many people didn't know each other. Our family had a really great time and we look forward to seeing many of you guys out on the trails again.

What a great first run for us in our "new to us" jeep.

We didn't take too many pics; but, We might have a few to post up later.
If you are going to post pics, please start a thread in the Trip Reports and put a link here..
I took a bunch of pics and will sort through them some tomorrow.
If you haven't started a trip report at that time I will....
Thanks everyone, my kids and I had a really fun time today. I enjoyed meeting new people, and it was great to see so many kids for my boys to interact with, they had a blast.
Anybody else notice the big rock that had been drug to the side in the rock garden? Made that section a lot easier.