The "Back in my day" thread.


I run a tight ship... wreck

I miss Corner Canyon. My grandfather owned property on Traverse Mountain that could 'loosely' be accessed from Corner Canyon. That got me 'out of jail' many times but they got wise and would often follow us. Back then SLSO has a H1 Hummer and their own Heli. Common site for them to come chase us around.

Who remembers the 'RME Emergency Wheeling' session up there?

Who lost their keys, Olly?


Sandy, Ut
We used to midnight golf... And climb the cranes in high rise construction sites. Blocking off roads and funneling cars into a circle or parking lot where we could water balloon them was also a good time.

We also visited small town girls we'd meet at hs events and go ride the oil rigs (grasshoppers).

Was the emergency wheeling trip where Ollie's keys fell out of the ignition and that dude's (smokin camel?) Sami started on fire?

Yes, yes, and yes. Olly and I were chatting about this at lunch yesterday :D

My favorite part of the road closure water ballooning situation was the Sheriff Deputy stopping his car in the middle of all the wet spot on 9th East to move the construction barricades from the road. He looked around, saw the scope of our mess and yelled “if I have to come back here you’re all going to jail”… and he had no clue where we were :D