The dog thread


This thread is for the dogs. Can be anything about your dog, just showing them off or funny things.

My English bulldog has never howled in his life.
While watching the movie (Babe) .
It was the part where the sheep gets attacked and dies.

He let out 2 really long deep howls.

Johnny Quest

Web Wheeler
West Jordan
we've got two german shepherds, siblings from different litters. anyway, went to the local dog park a couple weeks back, and there were these two puppies rough housing. a third dog comes over, and starts rough housing as well, but mostly picks on one of the puppies. went from 'fun play' to bullying pretty quick. anyway, Cooper, our old shepherd, walks over, puts himself between the puppies and the other dog, lets out one low bark at the third dog, and then just stares him down til he walks off. he then licked the puppy's face who had been picked on, and moved on.

all of this was without human intervention and took place in about 20-30 seconds. it was a proud papa moment for sure


Well-Known Member
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This is my dog Charlie. If I've been on a run with you there's a good chance you've met him. He's a good boy.

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Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
This is Murphy. He's an asshole. Useless for anything but keeping your lap warm. He's only still alive because he is cute.


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I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Our house is filled with an 11 year old boxer, a bug (1/2 Boston Terrier 1/2 Pug) and a new boxer puppy. For some the oldf boxer prefers the small beds.


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This is my trail dog. When we got him he was a house cat, and scared to touch dirt. Now he loves it everytime we go out.




Emptying Pockets Again
Supporting Member
This is my German Shepherd "Jaska", sadly we lost her on thanksgiving last year. She was an amazing dog. Pic of her after exploring all the mud holes near strawberry


Pic at Pyramid Lake in the Uintahs


And this is my brand new puppy "Kona" She is a White German Shepherd aka Swiss Berger Blanc. She just flew in from Oregon on Tuesday.


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too poor to wheel... :(
Layton, Utah
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The black one is Boozer I have had him since 2011 he is my favorite! The picture of him sleeping with his chin on the blue noodle is his car seat.
The white one is Snort. I picked him up from an abusive owner. his nails had curled around and where embedded into his paws making it very painful to walk. Since we fixed that problem he loves to run everywhere! And hide behind trees! He is extremely overweight and we are working on getting him down to size. (a normal pug weights in at 18-22 lbs snort weighs 37lbs.)

I will be missing them next week while at easter jeep safari. I use to take boozer but now that they don't allow dogs at most places I leave them home with my son.

By the way whos big orange JK is that in the last picture?


Well-Known Member
This is my wife's dog I got her about a year and some ago. She's been wanting a pet since we moved and I thought a dog would be better for my son and us in general. About 5 years old, blue Heeler with some border collie I believe, great dog and loves to hike 1212151425.jpg

Pile of parts

Well-Known Member
South Jordan
Well, if you've read the hunting thread, you've seen my dogs. Roxy is the mostly brown one and she is 9. Jackson is the mostly white one and he is 6. They are both German Shorthair pointers. They are my hunting partners and they do all the work. An average hunting day for me is about 8-12 miles up and down the steepest, rockiest mountains you can find. For the dogs, its probably 2-3 times as much the way they cover ground. As you can see, they're pretty good at it and it's really what they live for. They are always kind of whiney and lost the first couple of weekends after hunting season ends. The rest of the year they pretty much eat and do impressions of bobdog's dog. :rofl:



Well-Known Member
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Charlie is a purebred great dane. The color is harlequin and there are actually 7 dane colors. It throws people off though because most have never seen one this color. He is about 150 lbs but is a total couch potato especially since he is getting up there in years. We've wanted to take him to play in the ocean since he was a puppy and are finally going to do it this June on a trip to Oregon. Its going to be awesome.

This was Charlie as a puppy. I think he was probably 10 weeks old or so in this pic.
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This is Charlie and his sister Alice on our king size bed. They were supposed to stay on the sheet, you can see how well that went.
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Alice died August of 2013 and was only 3 years old. I was up the canyon fishing for the morning when she started to fade and convulse and my wife couldn't pick her up to get her to the car to take her to the vet. She had to wait for her parents to drive over to help her. It was really hard on my wife and she still gets sad thinking about it. A lot of things changed in our lives because of that day and I think we are better for it but its still sad to think about.

One last plug, here is a video of Alice playing in the back yard. She was so funny when she'd get excited she would bounce and hop like a rabbit.


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Registered User
I have "Emmie", a going on 13 year old beagle with a brain tumor (fortunately well controlled and minimal symptoms for over a year now!)

Emmie in 16.jpg

And coming on 12 year old Redbone Coonhound, "Little Anne" (yes named after the star of Where the Red Fern Grows).

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The two of them together when we first brought Anne home. Both started out as patients of mine, Emmie needing reconstructive surgery of her urinary tract (which included two trips to Colorado State University for specialty care) and Anne coming home with me because the orginal owner didn't want a three-legged hound when we told them amputaiton was needed.

Anne as pup.jpg

And although he has not been with us for many years, have to stick in a couple of pictures in honor of "Timber", about the greatest dog I have been able to associate with (although in all honesty his poor manners mean few would agree with me.) Lost him in 2003 I think, still miss the big dork.

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