The dog thread


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Supporting Member
This is my dog Charlie. If I've been on a run with you there's a good chance you've met him. He's a good boy.

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I met a guy at Piper Down a few years back that had a dane just like that. He would just lie in the corner and look at you (the dog, not the owner), and it was just massive. At the time I think he said the dog was about a year old (he was a rescue so didn't know exactly), and measured 1/2" shorter than the record for a Great Dane. That dog was so sweet.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Its kind of funny how good of a fit danes are for my family since I told my wife I wanted one out of spite that she changed her mind on letting me get a doberman. I was set on getting a "man dog" after having a small yappy dog as a kid and read up a ton on dobermans and thought one would work out well for us. She got nervous over the stigma and backed out so I said okay, then we'll get a great dane. Really neither of us knew what we were getting into but we drove to Lyman Wyoming to pick him up in the middle of a snow storm and he just kept growing. We took him to dog parks a bunch and rather than play with the other dogs he'd just make the rounds to the humans and lean up against them for some ear rubs, still does I guess. We go to the dog park a lot less now but still do walks in the neighborhood. Hes way good with neighborhood kids and often will crouch down on his own when kids come up and want to pet him.

He was kind of ambivalent when we brought home Alice and to a certain extent the same way with our 7 month old son Eli. I just hope Charlie is around long enough that he and Eli can play together.
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ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
I just got a new to me Yellow lab, after a year of no dog with the death of my chocolate lab. Training is beginning! Waterfowl and upland training, and looking for sheds. I nearly forgot how much I enjoyed having one. As Pile of Parts knows it's a great feeling when they perform for you and love you for it.


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
If you have ever wheeled with me in the past then chances are you met my old wheeling partner,Indica. He was a pit/lab mix. I got him from the pound back in Jersey a few years before moving out here. He was a total card. Loved to be around people and kids. Was the best dog I ever had. I had to put him down a few years back. It was heart breaking. I still think about him on a regular basis and miss him to much to think about getting another pup.

The Mongolian.jpg


I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
Here are my two. Anne is a border collie/Australian Shepherd. Lady bird is blue healer / Australian Shepherd. They are both awesome dogs. But lady bird is my girl.



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