The Pimp My Ride really


But stuck more often.
Okay, so most of you know I'm thinking about getting KLR. And that idea was quickly shot down by the masses. So here is what I'm thinking. Who ever can talk me into keeping my bike wins a $25 gift card to their favorite restaurant.

All you have to do:

First check out my bike. You can see it here: this will give you an idea of what I already have.

Now my budget for the new bike is right around $3000. I feel that my bike is worth around $2000. So if I were to keep my bike I could dump $1000 into it and feel okay about it.

So who ever can come up with a shopping list at or under $1000 in upgrades and can explain why each parts will make my bike better, and convince me to keep my bike will win the gift card. Now I realize that your lists may overlap some between you guys, so the important part is your explination.

Here is why I want a KLR. I'm looking for a bike that will keep up with others in traffic. I want to be able to ride it, say, to Moab. I want to be able to take on the more scenic (read easy) trails. About the most difficult trail I would want to ride on would be the main trail heading up above Tibble Reservoir. I wont be jumping it, going to the dunes, mxing it, ect. I want to be able to load up gear for a 2-3 night campout. I want a more quiet bike. The yoshi pipe I have now will need to go if I keep it. I want to be able to ride 2 up for little rides around town with my wife/daughters.

So between this info and the ksl ad, you should be able to outfit me pretty good. The real reason for doing this is that I just hate looking up stuff from 10000 websites that sale the same, but different stuff. Don't forget the bike is for sale and people are coming by looking at it. So there is not a lot of time.

Anyone up for this game?


Well-Known Member
Enoch, UT
What is wrong with what you have?

I just bought a bone stock 2006 XR650R (600 miles) with a 3 place trailer for $2800.

I hope this helps:D
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Well-Known Member
that will handle just about every singletrack trail up AF canyon. I think you could get a harley up the main trail above tibble fork.

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Supporting Member
Smithfield Utah
I am a lot more optimistic than most people when it comes to seeing potential in a turd bike and making it great. I see a lot of potential in just about every dirt oriented bike out there, but i cannot for the life of me see it in a KLR. While it will keep up with traffic--I'd say that's about all they will do at best :-\

I don't want to talk you into anything, but I feel you have a great dual sport bike and personally I'd keep it if you really want a dual sport. Ditch the loud pipe and find a stocker (likely a strait across trade for the yoshi) with the spark arrestor insert. You obviously want to spend a lot of time in the saddle so I'd recommend a Guts seat foam--Well worth the money and its like sitting on a giant marshmallow. Next up is a desert tank--there are several to choose from so I'll let you decide which size suits you best. I prefer them in natural (see through) so you can easily look down and guage how much fuel you have left. After that try out a new set of tires on the front and rear maybe a less aggressive tread to keep the noise and vibs down. Handle bar risers are another overlooked item. Raise them up to help your posture and control of the bike they honestly cut down on a lot of rider fatigue imo.
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Lover of all things Toyota
Mantua UT
My dad has a KLR and loves it. He brought it brand new 3 Miles on it for like 3900$ it was 2 year old still in crate. He brought it for about the same reasoning you have. I will note I am not to informed on bikes.


Well-Known Member
Kind of not what you're looking for but I bet if you spent $200 on a new tank, you could get an extra $500 for your bike ;) Personally, I'd rather pay more for a bike that's in good shape, then pay less for something I could fix up.

To do what you are wanting to do, the DRZ is not the correct bike. It can do it, but no matter how much you spend, it will always be lacking. If you're wanting a bike like you describe, maybe the KLR is the right bike (it hurts to say that, I really really do not care for KLRs :D). Their resale sucks (which means you can pick up a used one for next to nothing) which, IMO, says a lot about a bike. :)


Well-Known Member
Kaysville, Ut

Not that its worth much but here is my opinon. If you are really looking at jumping on a large single cylinder, narrow seated, big bore bike and ride to Moab then by all means get a KLR(ick, ick, ick) or even better a Husky TE610 and make that long rough ride. By rough I mean it being rough on a bike that is not really designed to go 300 miles at 70 mph. Its harder to balance the tires, the seats are narrow, the engine is working at a higher RPM...... I can go on and on. If you what you really want to do is get a bike that can go to Moab and maybe do a few easy dirt roads then get a Tiger, V-Storm, KTM Adventure, something that would be a whole lot more road friendly. That being said, I was on a trail with an Adventure and by the time he realized he had made a mistake being on the trail, he had easily done $1K worth of damage because he layed it down twice.

If you want to haul a bike to moab and then ride from there then just make some modifications to your DRZ. The DRZ is a great bike for that. Its friendlier on the road than say a WR or CRFx because its just not wound as tightly engine and suspension wise. Get a bigger tank, a softer and wider seat, gear it up a tooth or two, trade your pipe to a guy for a stocker and enjoy the fact that if you want to go on Hells Revenge, White Sands, Gold Bar or any other trail in Moab for that matter, you could. A KLR in the right hands could do it but you will know that YOU were ridden by that bike and not the other way. A KLR will beat most riders on trails, a V-Storm or Adventure on a single track trail in the hands of anyone less than an expert will destroy the bike.

For less than $500 you could really have a capable DRZ that would be great for trip that are less than 200 miles round trip. Around town, short jaunts up the canyon, just get a set of passenger pegs for the DRZ and be happy and come ride with us.

By the way Josh, how is the DRZ running now?


I run a tight ship... wreck
I don't know that I'd want to ride the DRZ on the highway from SLC to Moab and back, but if you were taking the backroads... hell yeah. I think the DRZ would be OK on the highway, but might get tiring. That said, plenty of people that 'toured' on DRZ's.

Here's what I'd add/change...

Seat $160 -

Tank $250 -

Front sprocket +1 tooth $9 -

Dunlop 606's $170-

That's less than $600 and you have most of the big parts covered... from there I agree with what's said above, bar risers, good hand guards, etc... spend the rest on gas money riding the bike! :greg:

If you really want a KLR, get a KLR... by all means, if you think that fits your needs than don't let us talk us out of one. Just have a backup plan... :p


But stuck more often.
Thanks for your input guys. I've decided to hold off on buying a KLR until mid winter or spring and finish off this season on the drz. Unless it sales. So you have a bit longer to talk me out of it. I have to tell you though. I rode one on Saturday that had me loving it. Remember, my DRZ is the only bike I have ever ridden on, so it's to be expected that just about any other bike will feel great. It was smooth, fast and felt good on the road. It wasn't as quick in a race as my drz, but could go much faster. I really liked it.
Maybe I need to restate my dirt riding style. For now, I'm not real interested in the single track stuff. I'll have the Jeep for Hell's, Gold Bar, ect. I'm thinking more like the easy trails that go through the La Sal's and the Swell. However, I would like to try running some single track with you guys on an upcoming outing, while I still have the bike.
I like Gregs list and will head in that direction.