The Trib's on a roll


Rarely wrenches
Supporting Member
What's really sad about all this is that it really happens, and gives the liberal-commie-hippies ammo against the group so widely generalized as the OHV gang


Wandering the desert
I know these things happen, and it's terrible that they do. But I only see these types of articles (anti-OHV) in the Trib. I NEVER see any positive press such as NPLD or the numerous trail cleanups or helping the FS build and repair fence or anything we do.


Salt Lake
I think

don't give them an excuse but that is a small number compared to the amount of people that drive responsibily. Kind of like how we have to deal with all the morons that are reckless drivers all day. But you have to feel bad for the park rangers because they are vastly outnumbered compared to highway patrol.

Also the part about hikers not being policed is totally true. I never realized how much more Big Cottonwood canyon has gotten so busy since I have been back and I hiked around and it is trashed garbage everywhere they throw water bottles on the trails and granola wrappers so it isn't just OHV it is everyone in the outdoors needs to be responsible. When I went up rattlesnake a few weeks ago there was a fair amount of alcoholic bottles left over as well which kind of shocked me but I ended up with a bag of garbage going out of it.
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Wandering the desert
Just some thoughts on this issue. I know that the DNR has OHV safety classes, but perhaps USA-ALL could "co-sponsor" these classes and expand them to include trail ethics and responsible OHV use, not only safety. It could go a long way to help and also get a little good PR for our side. I don't know just typing out loud.
Pretty bad article. When talking to Patty yesterday, I thought she was very reasonable, but I'm a little dissapointed in the results. There is a completely false statement in the article that I'm demanding be corrected.

"1,336 off-road violations for hit and run, reckless driving, driving under the influence of alcohol, illegal off-roading on closed trails or off-limit areas and other crimes."

There wer 0 instances of "hit and run" in Utah, and only one instance of hit and run over the last 4 years in California.

It really is a few bad apples. You look at a total of 1300 incident reports over 4 years. You have 200,000 registered OHV's. You have who knows how many 4x4's and dual-sport bikes. So a conservative number is probably 300,000. Each is used on average at least 3 times per year. So, you have:

300,000 units * 4 years * 3 uses per year = 3,600,000 OHV uses during the period.

With 1300 incidents, that means only 0.036% of all OHV use is irresponsible. That truly is a few bad apples.


Registered User
Interesting when talking to Joe MacFarlane with the Pleasant Grove Ranger District a while back, he noted over 1.5 million users to American Fork Canyon alone in 2006. How many incidents were there in 2006? I dunno for sure, but I'm sure it's not many in comparison.
Just some thoughts on this issue. I know that the DNR has OHV safety classes, but perhaps USA-ALL could "co-sponsor" these classes and expand them to include trail ethics and responsible OHV use, not only safety. It could go a long way to help and also get a little good PR for our side. I don't know just typing out loud.

It's a good idea that's "been on the books" for several years. SUWA has their travelling classroom program. USA-ALL would like to do something similar to get into elementary schools. As always, it's a concern about money.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
every ounce of me wants to sit down with those people and debate this.

they don't even understand how selfish and short sighted they are.

both sides to some degree actually


Registered User
Another thing that they are not looking at is the fact that a good portion of the tickets go to repeat offenders. Most of the people that I have seen that are disrespectful have received two or three tickets.

I dont have the official numbers, thats just what I observe.