The "trophy husband" pro mod buggy build

The funny thing about "sponsorships" in the moto world is they don't even sell me most things at wholesale. It's like 40% off, from their retail site which is often more than or the same price that can be found with minimal shopping around. Granted I am a mediocre racer and am getting the lowest level of support but at least sell it to me at the price you get from retailers.

Anyway, the dew wheels are stupid, cool.
90% of my stuff for Jack is around 50%. Only a couple of free products. It is funny that on some items I could buy them cheaper on my dealer account at RMATV than what we were offered. I usually decline those offers.
The wife made me go on vacation for the holiday weekend so I was glad to get back at it tonight. I got a decent amount of the exhaust done so that’s neat. On one hand I feel pretty good about it since it’s my first exhaust but on the other hand I’m glad I’ll be wrapping it 🤣
2.5” pipe with a Flowmaster HP2 muffler.
You might think about adding a flexible section downstream from the header. That way you can hard mount the rest of the exhaust and it will still allow movement and eliminate vibration.
Since the whole drivetrain is hard mounted I'm not worried about it
Decided on the b-pillar V. It’s gonna be like this. The angled tubes are way closer to the b-pillar than they were but it still didn’t involve too much seat bending so I’m happy
Oh and Carlos Cuts made me a sweet aluminum fan shroud!
03DD575C-FC5D-415B-9209-B9F07EA3C8EA.jpegEvery post is gonna have a wheel pic. Suck it up.
Walking away pic for good measure since I sometimes stand on the top stair and just look at it 🤣🤣🤣
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Well I got snipped last Saturday so I’ve been taking it super easy but I did pick up some parts from my lover today. It’s funny because we planned this buggy over the course of a couple WERock seasons, while driving to and from events. The plan was always to do stuff the cheap way and maybe upgrade later. Well...
These don’t look like used unit bearings with cheap factory brakes now do they? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Bolting on the wheels and tires was super fun. It’s under 78” wide outside the tires and the tread is still going to be outside the chassis. The crazy thing is that my chassis is actually 3” wider than “normal” for pro mod.
I also officially decided I am going to shorten the rear “main” tubes by a few inches at least. It looks like it’d be almost exactly 90 degree departure and I need just a little better than that. Can’t have the rear getting caught on vertical stuff.
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Also not a real update but I took a long drive (2.1 miles) to Ryan’s shop to pick up my other 2 tires. So now the four of them are reunited (and it feels so good).
Now I get to stare at it and try to figure out how it’s going to clear stuff and things when I’m turning.
Well I finally went and got more tube yesterday so it was back to the grind today. I got all of the door bars done but won’t tack them in until I get the rest of the chassis done since they will probably be in the way.
I also got the windshield /\ and the tube that connects the driver side \ to the front. It’s crazy how much more it looks like a buggy with every tube I add.
Oh and I assembled one of the brakes just for fun. So baller...
It's been like 200 years since an update. Is this done yet? (Speaking from my own position of dragging out a "simple" motor swap in my jeep for 18 months :rofl: )
You start your Jeep today and get a hankering to harass me or what? 🤣
He is too busy playing Babysitter to Ryan to doing work on his own rig.
Shoot, that’s only like... every other weekend... 🤣
Okay so it’s a lot but I love it.

I have not updated because there are no updates. My boys (8 and 5) are playing baseball and their schedule is like they’re in the MLB or something. They have baseball every freakin’ night! My 5 year old is literally rolling around in the grass during his games so I’m not sure why he needs to have 3 of them this week but here we are.

Between that, messing with the new truck and now camping season I hope to start working on the buggy again soon but we’ll see. I just picked up a shed kit that I need to put together too 🤮
You start your Jeep today and get a hankering to harass me or what? 🤣
Ha really it was because I was researching 3800 engines as a potential power plant for my upcoming willys project and thought you had used a 3800...come to find out yours is a 3.9 and now I have to do even more research to figure things out. I do know that the trans will be an AX15 and the tcase a D300 because I already have both...

Anyway, yeah, I started my Jeep yesterday. Soooo remind me why you aren't done yet? You couldn't build a buggy in the time it took me to do a simple motor swap? :rofl: