The waterfall bragging thread.


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no she didn't even try, if you look carefully you can see the cable she's on. Although I know josh has driven the trail from start to finish, including the waterfall, in like 3 minutes or something rediculous like that.



Let's Ride!
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I happened to talk to Josh today. He is looking at selling that Toyota rig. From the conversation it has a stroker 383Chevy, D60 35 spline axles, 40" tires. I want to say a 350 tranny with an extra low first gear. Can't remeber all of the details, but that rig was finished very nice.



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rusted said:
I happened to talk to Josh today. He is looking at selling that Toyota rig. From the conversation it has a stroker 383Chevy, D60 35 spline axles, 40" tires. I want to say a 350 tranny with an extra low first gear. Can't remeber all of the details, but that rig was finished very nice.


Speaking of Josh's cruiser. I was fortunate enough to help in the build process of his Cruiser and I just happen to find some pics that I took at different stages of the build and just thought I'd share. As far as the trans in the Cruiser, it is a built 350, but not the first one in the Cruiser. Paul Hennifer killed the first one up AFC. Dropped it on a rock and split it in half. Paul, if you're reading this... Sorry to run you under the bus like that.:D Also, sorry for the hijack.


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Stacking rocks?

Crinco said:
It is amazing what 120 wheelbase and 40" tires can do with a stack of rocks at the bottom :rolleyes: :rofl:
I gave it a shot the last time/first time with my buggy, but could not seem to get my engine to run on fumes long enough to get over:rofl: :rofl:
I'm fixing that now though.

I'm the owner of the green YJ and just to set things straight its got a 110" wheelbase and 39" iroc's. Oh yeh and youv'e never put a 6" rock on any obsacles right Crinco?


Sandy, Ut
furbronco said:
Speaking of Josh's cruiser. I was fortunate enough to help in the build process of his Cruiser and I just happen to find some pics that I took at different stages of the build and just thought I'd share. ...

I want to see some picks of it when it was baby blue? sporting a spring over and ~33's :D


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cruiseroutfit said:
I want to see some picks of it when it was baby blue? sporting a spring over and ~33's :D

I think I actually have a pic or two sporting baby blue paint, VW Scirrocco seats, 33's , and do it yourself bedliner. I'll try to find those pics.


cruiseroutfit said:
I want to see some picks of it when it was baby blue? sporting a spring over and ~33's :D

I'll find some pics of when I owned it with spring under and 31's when I get a chance......

He had 35" mud kings for a while, then 35" boggers, but never 33's......


Well-Known Member
jonlowe said:
I'm the owner of the green YJ and just to set things straight its got a 110" wheelbase and 39" iroc's. Oh yeh and youv'e never put a 6" rock on any obsacles right Crinco?

Heck yeah, I've stacked a lot of rocks in my day! Many for me but most for others.;)
I am running 42" tires and also 110", and until I make it over, rocks or no rocks, what I say doesn't amount to a hill of beans to those of you who have been up unassisted.
When I tried last, the rocks were already at the bottom, I made no effort to move them :D Didn't matter I ran out of gas just the same.

Your Jeep is the one in the video with the yellow roll cage?? That was a sweet climb, you made it look way too easy.


Registered User
We saw 3 rigs from colorado walk up the last climb without even backing up ! Made it look way to easy and didnt hardly even stop at the top to show off ! A bad ass yellow full tube buggy and a TJ buggy thing ! The last rig I think was a Toyota beat to hell buggy thing ! Looked like crap but worked awsome ! These guys were way cool saw them on the trail later helping a guy weld his spring hanger back on !
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we had 3 in our group make it up as well ,i almost had it until i sheared off all my wheel studs on one side, boiy that was nfun,...


Active Member
Captain Crunch said:
I made it up once, two days later i fell in the hole!

Greg! Whats up this is Josh, welcome to RME. I got some new pics of the 'Yota for ya. By the way it worked awesome in its virgin trip to Moab. I'll have my judgement day on the waterfall on Upper Heldo over Memorial Day.


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That climb is tricky. We took the comp buggies up there when it was raining in 05 and I figured hey, this doesn't look too bad. Lance Clifford said NO STACKING and we all agreed. Even if someone dug it out, we'd have to do it that way. We also agreed to do the climb "Moab bump" style in order not to dig. Keep in mind it was still wet from the rain and there was a ton of water in the gorge from the flash flood that had turned us around the day before.

FYI, all of us were on DOT rubber tires, no stickeys. I was in the old RockIt, Bec in her RockHer, and Lance in the Diablo II.

I was up first and fell into the damn hole no less than five times...thanks to rear-steer I could back out of the roll/hole pretty easilly, I don't know how others get outta that darn thing.

Bec was behind me laughing the whole way and I was frustrated from not making it and actually eating it over and over. I pulled back and gave her the, "OH YEAH, if you think it's so easy!!!"

She nosed in, bumped it at 1/4 speed and hit reverse just after her back tires hit the wall. She moved over to line up left-to-right and did the same thing. Then she backed up and lined up exactly the way she did on the second try and nailed the throttle. She cleaned that sucker, even with wet tires coming outta the holes in the foot deep water.

Lance looked at me and gave me the "loser" sign. :mad2: Bec jumped outta the car and came over to make sure I knew just how much she enjoyed making the climb so easilly.:mad2:

Kelly (Lance's wife at the time) jumped in the Diablo and lined up for the climb, gave it hell a couple of times without success and suddenly the crawler quit. The battery cable going to the starter had melted on the exhaust manifold and they had no master-kill so the battery within a few seconds was boiling. In a stupid but lucky move, I threw a sweatshirt over the battery and went to work on the bomb, getting it unhooked in about 1.5 was the dumbest setup and man, I look back on that and say that was one of the stupidest things I have ever done...a crawler is not worth my life and that battery was SWOLLEN bigtime!

We drug the dead Diablo up the fall with Becca's winch and I nosed in to the wall. I took a "feeler run" on an extreme left to right line and it felt good. I backed up on the same line, then nailed it full-on. It went right up...DANG, why could't I have done that the first time!

Now, with stickeys one year later with everything dry, the wall is easier. Still I'd venture to say it truly is one of the toughest regularly run obstacles in the country.

As for the top fall on Upper Proving Grounds...that one is the scariest I've ever attempted. I played on it unstacked for 15 minutes in the old RockIt until I had bent my left lower rear link too badly to continue. It is a nightmare climb that (as far as I know) only a couple of people (in the Mt Logan K2's) have made without stacking the heck out of...even with a big stack, I've never seen anyone make it except in the video with Johnnie G and one of the Williams Bros.


Well-Known Member
It is sooo sad that the Proving grounds are closed now. I was really looking forward to giving a go at a few of the obstacles. That is the way it is going with everything, soon enough we will have home made courses in a few guys back yards and that will be all there is.
Only seen a few guys who went up the first two on Upper P.G., and one guy (a friend) go up the waterfall on Upper Helldorado but none of the others.


somewhat damaged
Crinco said:
It is sooo sad that the Proving grounds are closed now. I was really looking forward to giving a go at a few of the obstacles. That is the way it is going with everything, soon enough we will have home made courses in a few guys back yards and that will be all there is.
Only seen a few guys who went up the first two on Upper P.G., and one guy (a friend) go up the waterfall on Upper Helldorado but none of the others.

Well, the Proving grounds were bought and closed because of future commercial development or something like that. It's not that we lost them to a 'wilderness' order or something like that. Those trails will definately be missed though.