The 'What did I replace or fix on my motorcycle' thread

I'm with Russ. I think Ronnie and Luke sabotaged me......every race for the last 3 years since I can't seem to beat them. It was definitely a brand new filter. Amazing the bike stayed alive for me to finish the race!
I have not looked at it closely, but I can tell you that it has zero compression and the ring end gap is HUGE. If there was any discoloration from blow by, I am sure it has been cleaned off by all the sand.
Well, she is to the point we can clean everything up, get parts and put her together fresh and new.

If you ever suck a significant amount of dirt into your bike and don't think much about it.....think again. If you look closely, that is not oil in the bottom of the crank portion of the case.....that is all dirt.

And as a testament as to how wonderful ethanol is on your motor when it sits, this is probably where the crank sat for a period of time in the oil/gas accumulation in the bottom case. This pool of fluid is essential to your crank and rod bearings, but the time sitting takes its toll.

And last but not least, this is my method to keeping everything straight.
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Today I was out farting around in the garage and I stated my 300 and noticed the the washer and bolt in my kick starter looked loose so I went to grab a wrench to tighten it. When I turned it, it came off. The bolt was sheared off. I'm lucky I didn't loose my kick starter. Now I have to try and get that stupid thing out. Any ideas? I know it has loc-tite on it too
I just replaced both front brake pads on my 300. Somehow, the retaining pin fell out and both pads fell out of the caliper while I was doing some single track in the White Wash area last weekend. I backtracked for a while, but could never find them. Check the pin from time to time!
I just replaced both front brake pads on my 300. Somehow, the retaining pin fell out and both pads fell out of the caliper while I was doing some single track in the White Wash area last weekend. I backtracked for a while, but could never find them. Check the pin from time to time!

I have 2 spares in my tool box at all times.
Found a little more time to work on Tyson's 300 this afternoon. If I could find 3 hours straight I could have this thing out completely together and started.

We decided to have the guy that I have rebuild our mini cranks rebuild this instead of putting in a Hot Rods. One benefit to this is that he gets the cranks as true as possible. This one has a .00005" run out.

Then there is that moment when you day SON OF A B!*CH after you put the case halves together torque everything and move the motor so you can start putting the clutch side together and you see one of the springs that goes in the sliders for the shift forks sitting on the bench.

It must have fallen out when I pulled the case halves apart because somthing was not seating correctly.
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