This guy sure is tolerant


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hey smoke this post! --> it probabbly is the same person, sighned a bunch of petitions for suwa, listed his ph# (*don't ask*)

come on now Nosty, we don't need to harass people at their homes. We don't need to go to their level to win the battle. We have more class than that.


Registered User
come on now Nosty, we don't need to harass people at their homes. We don't need to go to their level to win the battle. We have more class than that.

public spectical = public spotlight! if you have an opinion and keep it to yourself you have the reasonable expectation to privacy, have an opinion and print in in the newspaper you have the reasonable expectation to get a phone call or two!

You should remember that Discretion is the better part of valour.


These go to 11
Quote from Dan Miller in the comments section of this article.

"Seth if you're reading this I need to mention: In my haste I forgot and am ashamed that the Wastach Outlaws from Ogden have helped us on several projects. It's just so frustrating that we can't get any local help on this nasty problem. I'll contact you soon. THANKS!"

I am impressed that he at least amended his comments to show that we do help. We will see where this goes.