This is what Im talking about


Utah would effectively become a "constitutional carry" state if the measure is approved. That term refers to a state where carrying a concealed weapon isn't restricted by law.
Felons would still be barred from carrying concealed weapons, and it would still be illegal for people to be high or drunk while carrying. Brandishing laws would still apply.

The measure would also create a provision in state code dealing with penalties for the possession of a dangerous weapon, firearm or sawed-off shotgun on or about school premises.
The bill outlines that people would still be required to have a concealed weapons permit to legally bring a concealed gun on school grounds, unless it is approved by an administrator or is part of an approved activity.
I am taking the class in Draper on 2/2 with a bunch of folks from work. It will be the 3rd time in two states that I've taken the class, but this time, I am really really sending in the paperwork.
so, you can carry on school grounds if you have a concealed carry permit? or you can't carry at all on school grounds? or is it saying if you don't have a concealed carry permit and get caught on school grounds, then its a misdemeanor? Not that I am going to be carrying on school grounds, just wondering.
It would still be a great idea to have and or get a Utah permit. Like Shane said purchasing guns would be easier and reciprocity with other states is great too.
so, you can carry on school grounds if you have a concealed carry permit? or you can't carry at all on school grounds? or is it saying if you don't have a concealed carry permit and get caught on school grounds, then its a misdemeanor? Not that I am going to be carrying on school grounds, just wondering.

It's saying that unless you have a permit you cannot carry on school grounds.
I would prefer this not pass. Everyone should be educated that wants to carry. I am a law abiding citizen and I don't care if I have to have a permit to carry. I found the process of getting my permit to be easy. I like having the permit when I purchase guns and I have not had a speeding ticket in the last 10 years because of my CWP.

The reality is, there are a lot of people carrying that don't have permits now. I know some individuals who carry that shouldn't because of prior issues with the law many years ago. People are going to carry regardless of the law. My preference is to have people go through the process of obtaining a conceal permit for the education.
I don't exactly approve of it. When I was taking my ccw class there was at least 3 people there that when we asked at what point we would draw our weapon in defense and they responded they would just because they were approached by the guy. Keep in mind the scenario given to us had a variety of outcomes thought up, when challenged by the instructor to explain, their response was that they simply got too close and they knew they were in danger.

now I know we all have had our spider sense tingle a few times, but if we're drawing our weapon at the first chance that's gonna make for some dangerous situations. Personally I feel that is what these classes are for, to educate us to know when to draw, de-escalate the situation and know the laws surrounding it.

Open up the doors for anyone to conceal and every couch commando is gonna be drawing down on others for whatever reason. I don't agree with it.

If someone wants to carry, take the class, get educated, get your permit and practice.

If this law did pass I would feel LESS safe on the streets knowing any joe could be carrying a ticking time bomb in a sense. As it stands right now I feel there's at least some level of common sense in the people that do carry now. But as Stephen said below, it's still too easy to acquire a permit as it is.
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I would prefer this not pass. Everyone should be educated that wants to carry. I am a law abiding citizen and I don't care if I have to have a permit to carry. I found the process of getting my permit to be easy. I like having the permit when I purchase guns and I have not had a speeding ticket in the last 10 years because of my CWP.

The reality is, there are a lot of people carrying that don't have permits now. I know some individuals who carry that shouldn't because of prior issues with the law many years ago. People are going to carry regardless of the law. My preference is to have people go through the process of obtaining a conceal permit for the education.

I agree. I would be surprised if this passes. Personally, I think the process for getting a concealed carry permit in Utah is far, far to easy. In my opinion there should be much stricter requirments before you should be allowed to carry, not less.
I would rather a permit be required. I like the way we currently do it. WIll issue, but a class is required. I would like it to be a lifetime permit though.
I would be more scared if it passes than before, last thing we need are a bunch of idiots shooting people because they made them "mad". The CCW class teaches you restraint and controlling your temper so you can actually think before you react.
Instead of quoting everyone I'm just going to chime in. I also agree the CCW is a good idea, while the constitutional carry is within our rights as citizens, I believe everyone who carries needs some sort of training. Back in the day when the constitution was written the majority of people were educated in firearms, as it was part of life. Now days you could ask 10 people if they have ever held a firearm and 9 will probably say no.

While I believe constitutional carry is a great step for gun rights, I believe shortly there after it will end up being a huge step backwards. The CCW class you currently have to go through does not offer enough training in my opinion, especially since there is really no designated curriculum. I know my instructor was an idiot and just rambled on about his political views for 3 hours followed by 10 min on the range where the woman next to me fired all 10 shots with her eyes closed and never hit the target.

Implementing a firearm in a fight is a HIGHLY perishable skill. It takes a lot of practice and a lot of range time. You have to simulate the stresses of the situation as best you can. If your not practicing your draw stroke, reloading, coming up on target, identifying your target etc. You become a danger to yourself and others around in a true high stress situation. While it is hard to practice some of those things frequently, at a minimum draw stroke, and reloading should be practiced weekly. I can say with confidence 90% CCW holders probably haven't practiced drawing there weapon from there concealed holster within the last 6 months.

Education is key, if any non felon Joe Schmoe has the ability to go out and carry cocked and locked the number of gun incidents/accidental/brandishing will surely rise.

Just my .02 don't hate
The CCW class teaches you restraint and controlling your temper so you can actually think before you react.

Really, a 3 hour class taught you that??? :confused:

I'm impartial to this legislation. I will always keep my permit current, the laws will all still apply if it passes, and it is within our constitutional rights. The training is an excellent point, but our current permit process (as has been mentioned and all will attest to) provides no real training so I don't think there is a big difference. I think the biggest thing the permit process does is bring to your attention where/when you can legally carry. Even that is just breezed over.
I agree. I would be surprised if this passes. Personally, I think the process for getting a concealed carry permit in Utah is far, far to easy. In my opinion there should be much stricter requirments before you should be allowed to carry, not less.

Because Utah doesn't require any range time to obtain a CCW, Nevada no longer reciprocates with Utah. In the class I took a couple of weeks ago the Instructor was providing Utah and Arizona permits. After just taking the class, we could send in our Utah paperwork. For Arizona, it couldn't be sent in until range time had been completed. This is why Nevada accepts an Arizona permit and not a Utah permit - too easy to get in their opinion (and I agree).
I like what we've got already. I agree with everything TRD270 said. The most important part of Utah's CFP class is that it makes you think about the responsibility you are taking up.