Instead of quoting everyone I'm just going to chime in. I also agree the CCW is a good idea, while the constitutional carry is within our rights as citizens, I believe everyone who carries needs some sort of training. Back in the day when the constitution was written the majority of people were educated in firearms, as it was part of life. Now days you could ask 10 people if they have ever held a firearm and 9 will probably say no.
While I believe constitutional carry is a great step for gun rights, I believe shortly there after it will end up being a huge step backwards. The CCW class you currently have to go through does not offer enough training in my opinion, especially since there is really no designated curriculum. I know my instructor was an idiot and just rambled on about his political views for 3 hours followed by 10 min on the range where the woman next to me fired all 10 shots with her eyes closed and never hit the target.
Implementing a firearm in a fight is a HIGHLY perishable skill. It takes a lot of practice and a lot of range time. You have to simulate the stresses of the situation as best you can. If your not practicing your draw stroke, reloading, coming up on target, identifying your target etc. You become a danger to yourself and others around in a true high stress situation. While it is hard to practice some of those things frequently, at a minimum draw stroke, and reloading should be practiced weekly. I can say with confidence 90% CCW holders probably haven't practiced drawing there weapon from there concealed holster within the last 6 months.
Education is key, if any non felon Joe Schmoe has the ability to go out and carry cocked and locked the number of gun incidents/accidental/brandishing will surely rise.
Just my .02 don't hate