How many hours of range time do you need for the AZ permit?
Because Utah doesn't require any range time to obtain a CCW, Nevada no longer reciprocates with Utah. In the class I took a couple of weeks ago the Instructor was providing Utah and Arizona permits. After just taking the class, we could send in our Utah paperwork. For Arizona, it couldn't be sent in until range time had been completed. This is why Nevada accepts an Arizona permit and not a Utah permit - too easy to get in their opinion (and I agree).
I would be more scared if it passes than before, last thing we need are a bunch of idiots shooting people because they made them "mad". The CCW class teaches you restraint and controlling your temper so you can actually think before you react.
^^ I agreeIf people are going to be driven to homicide because they're mad at someone, there's going to be a homicide regardless of carry laws.
This has really got me thinking. I have said in other posts that I am not a gun owner, and have next to zero time behind a gun. The only "training" I have gotten was "point and shoot". I am in no way qualified (by my own standards) to carry a gun around with me.
I am now very interested to take a 3 (?) hour class to get a ccw just to see if they would really give it to me. I can't believe that they would. And just because it is our "right" to do that, I don't think we should just take on that right. I wonder if our founding fathers would have made that right today with today's weapons, compared to the weapons that were around when they wrote it. I don't know enough anything about weapons, but I imagine they are a lot different.
So it looks like maybe the best part of getting a ccw around here is the possibility to get out of a speeding ticket. For that reason alone, sign me up!
Imagine if it was like this with our drivers licenses.
Why though? Do the instructors get paid based on how many they pass? Why aren't we pushing for stricter ccw rules? Imagine if it was like this with our drivers licenses.
I am of the opposite opinion. AZ, Vermont and Alaska all have constitutional carry and have had 0 issues. I think if you carry you should take it upon yourself to be VERY proficient with your firearm. I suggest people be able to fire a first shot in under 1 second. However, it isn't the governments responsibility to assure this. If they require range time it won't make you a better shot. Hours and hours of practice and repetition will. Therefore I am opposed to any increased requirements. Anytime the government adds requirements it only increases red tape and little or no actual benefit.
I am really surprised to hear people on this board call for more regulation and fear "blood in the streets" if constitutional carry passes. It is in place in the most violent place in the country (AZ) and is working fine.
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