TingTings "That's Not My Name"


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
This is the "Oh Mickey" of 2009. I hated hated HATED this at first, but after repeated brainwashing I am convinced of its pop genius. Much like "4 Minutes" by Timberlake/Madonna, this is a totally vacuous POS, but unlike "4 Minutes", it has a self-awareness that harkens back to the bands that started MTV.

anyway they play it 400x a day here and it's a hoot. We have taken to singing it as we drive to meals, loud, with all the windows open. :D
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Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
I know, this sh*t is gettin' crazy dawg

Armed Forces Network is an insane radio station, designed to catch you off guard and brainwash you into liking ridiculous music.


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I came back from overseas when Dallas was the big TV show.
Everyone was saying "who shot JR?" and all I was thinking was who the heck is JR. :)
Some of the things you'll be seeing and doing will be unexplainable to someone who wasn't there, they'll just think you've gone crazy, or in your case crazier:rofl:


you just get use to it. after a while you will begin enjoying the music, then all will feel weird when you get back and you will have lovely memories of your time over there.:rofl:


Well-Known Member
Kaysville, Ut
Mine was "One Night In Bangkok" when I was actually in Bangkok. Those of you that have been there know that there are music vendors on every corner blasting the music. The best thing I ever saw there was a 10 story building with a picture of Eddie Murphy from a scene of Beverly Hills Cop 20 or what ever number it was flipping the bird. I had to endure several months of people giving me the bird like it was some cool salute to Americans. It was funny but I had to explain and show then that it was the same gesture they use in Thailand when we grab little kid's noses.

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Supporting Member
Smithfield Utah
..... :rolleyes: I really hate that song.... I've spent the last few days trying to forget about it and now it is once again stuck in my head :( Thanks!