TJ/LJ rear track bar bracket re-weld or replace?


Active Member
So I have been chasing a "Clunk" in the back of my 2004 LJ for the past weeks,:confused: fearing that it was the ARB/Gears the whole time, as I crawled under the car and poked around I could never see/feel anything loose. it wasn't until I looked from the top, that I found the problem….
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Where the rear track bar and UCA mounts to the axle, the welds have completely broken-all the way around the bracket.

Right up front, I don't weld! I could try, but it would end up a mess of slag boogers.

Asking for some advice, how do you suggest I repair this? Is this a simple re-tack, or is this a remove clean and replace with something better? All of the brackets that are sold with lifts just attach to this same point...It seems to be a high stress spot, I worry about the quick fix being a re-fix in a few months. Especially anything i try.

Any recommendation on who I could take this to in the SL valley? How much should I expect to spend?

Just looking to go to school on some of your past experiences…..Thank you in advance.


Pretend Fabricator
Thats a relatively easy fix, I would weld it back together and then gusset and plate it. If you decide you replace that bracket with a beefier version I would replace all the brackets..... I can help you with the repair if your interested PM me


Active Member
Wow, a big thanks to Tyler at Rollover Motorsports, I pulled in just to get an opinion, and an hour and half later I roll out with a gusseted, welded, and non-broken track bar bracket. All for less than $200. It was worth it for me because it is my DD and I did not miss a day of waiting.
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