
I'm about 3 minutes into a version that I mixed together. Sounds very cool at first, but then gets pretty jumbled around the 2 minute mark...

Amazingly, there are quite a few things that are sychronized...

edit: at 4 minutes there is a huge difference in the 2 part songs...
its a matter of how you sinc it .there are a few pages floating around on where and how to sink it.the copy i hav is pretty clea all the way through.if you look at the lyrics they are different in the songs but the way they sound are very close.

as to whether it was intended and is BS is another question that i can't answer
Badger said:
its a matter of how you sinc it .there are a few pages floating around on where and how to sink it.the copy i hav is pretty clea all the way through.if you look at the lyrics they are different in the songs but the way they sound are very close.

as to whether it was intended and is BS is another question that i can't answer

Ahh... I mixed them all at 00:00. Do you have a link as to where this discussion is going on?

I'm also hearing that Vignette Tres was meant to be mixed into the other songs...? Could be just rumor like most of everything else. :cool: