Trail inventory at 5MP

As most are aware, the Salt Lake BLM Field Office is developing a new travel plan to be released next year. Every Forest unit and BLM office in the country is required to evaluate and publish new travel plans in the next two years.

As of right now, Rattlesnake and Constrictor are on the inventory. However, both are marked as "Recommended for Closure". U4WDA has been working closely with the SL Office to keep RS/CON open. Until the proposed travel plan is made public, no comments will be accepted.

In the meantime, we'd like to see what other rock trails could be on the inventory or could be added.

So break out your GPS units. If you've got a lead on a rock trail in or around 5MP, please let us know about it. It's not gauranteed that we could get these trails added, but we do have a chance. Especially if the trail is part of an older road established for mining or other land use purposes.

I know there are some people that don't want to share the location of these trails in fear that they will be abused like RS/CON. I can assure you that information sent to U4WDA will not be redistributed, and will only be used to try and get these routes on the legal travel plan.

Please send GPS coordinates or locations to me via PM or email (steve at Or, if you're more comfortable, send the information to Kurt (cruiseroutfit).

If we are unable to get these routes on this travel plan, we will most likely not be able to get them legalized anytime soon. If we don't know about them, we can't even fight for them. So please let us know about current or possible rock trails in the 5MP area.


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Supporting Member
I'll be in contact with Kurt. I may or may not know of some things.
Good deal, go ahead and send the info. If we can keep RS/CON opened, we might have a chance of getting these other trails added. If we don't know about them, we'll have to wait until the next travel plan revision. Could be 10 to 20 years. Once the open travel area goes away, it'll be harder for people to sneak into their secret trail.


Formerly WJ ZUK
We are pretty sure we will release the coordinates to the u4wda and the blm in the hopes it will become legitimate so we don't get screwed later on this one. But don't pretend to talk down to us on about our "secret trail" and hope we will still cooperate. Were in for the long haul you might just be surprised at how responsible we can be steve-_-

Mead, WA
Good deal, go ahead and send the info. If we can keep RS/CON opened, we might have a chance of getting these other trails added. If we don't know about them, we'll have to wait until the next travel plan revision. Could be 10 to 20 years. Once the open travel area goes away, it'll be harder for people to sneak into their secret trail.

..Not to mention illegal and carry heavy fines....
No one is talking down to anyone. I've already explained this in the PM.

I don't give a crap about "rock trails". It is completely outside my area of interest in terms of wheeling. U4WDA's members do, so that's the only reason I want to see RS/CON stay open along with trying to open some new routes. Knowing about these secret trails means nothing to me other than giving us a chance to get them on the map. I don't want to run them.

The best chance to get a trail on the travel map is to let U4WDA work with the BLM to do it. The best way to get SP&R and sherrifs officers camped out at your trailhead is to send the info to the BLM.

You asked how to get new trails established. I told you our best chance for getting it done.


Boy this almost makes me sell my jeep and buy a set of hiking boots. What the hell are we trying to do, everytime there is talk about a trail everyone fights. Why not fight to keep trails open and find trails that should be open due to laws.

So lets nock off the bullshit and work together. Ya i have a trail Im working on getting open. it was a old road and has proof. I have walked it and ATVs have drove it alot. there is alot of mining up in the area.

Man this always pisses me off everyone gets a big head about everything:mad2:
Let U4WDA know about the trail you're working on. It might be one we or someone else is also working. It also might already be on the BLM inventory. That's the point of what we're trying to do. What's on the inventory, what's not, what would we like established as a trail, what old roads can be claimed, etc.


Sandy, Ut
Great thread Steve :cool:

This is a for reals issue... we need to get rolling on this ASAP. As Steve pointed out, we are only trying to make them all legit... I know of a couple trails out there myself, likely ones others are talking about... that area only has so much room ;) ;)

The reality is, there has been ALOT of leeway (sp?) in the 5MP area due to the open-travel designations and overlap of private property, etc. This will all change with the new travel plan. The quick and dirty is this... each BLM district is required to get their new management plan out and approved by I beleive 2008?? Seems like along ways out but realize it has to go before a long public comment period, alternatives (remember the Moab RMP), etc.

If you know of a legitimate trail, that has some history of legality, let us know... you'de be surprised that many of the trails are likely already mapped, logged, etc... but some overlap can't hurt. There are a couple other reasons for this trail recognition (I wish we had the resources to do it all over the state)... The first is for the BLM management plan as I previously described. The second it for the Governors Trail Systems... basically the State of Utah is gathering similar trail info to "compare" ;) with the BLM/FS in the future. I don't have all the details, it was presented at our last BOD meeting by Todd Adams whom is working with OHV Rec. guy on the project. '

Let me know what you know...


Sandy, Ut
We are still waiting on info.. to date we have nothing from anyone here. Please get us your "info" ASAP. Todd was hoping to have some updated info and maps at our last BOD meeting... hopefully we will have something for him soon!