Trail signs?

great scott

Well-Known Member
I am going to see if the BLM will let us put up some signs on our favorite Price area trails. These trails are getting a lot of use and in some cases like on Pinnacle users are missing the first 4 obstacles and the bypasses are becoming the main route. Others cant even find the trails, while still more are miss using the trail by stacking rocks or what not. Assuming they let us what type of signs work best; vinyl with stickers, wood with engravings, metal with plasma cutting? What should they say; warnings/ratings, directions, specific obstacle names? I need ideas befor I go talk to them.
I'm sure others know better than I, but I tend to think the metal signs with the lettering cut out are the best. They are bulletproof, and not easy to run over.

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
Utah State Parks and Recreation provided most of the signs for our trails here in Kanab. They also gave us a grant for our trail system. I can put you in touch with someone who worked on it here if you'd like.

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
carsmell said:
What!! :eek: Actual signs posted on trails saying you can go on them? All I see are signs saying I can't go. Who do I talk to?
Got your trails on a map? Do it, check with the land manager of what the trails are on. Make sure your trails are on their maps, if not find out what you need to do to get them there. From there you can get help with the signage,
State parks & Rec is a good source.


Registered User
:) Thanks, sounds like a fun project.And might help put a stop to people closing roads because right of way goes through their property. I hate that.-_-

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
If you have roads going through someones property, you need to make sure that they are on a map as a legit Right of Way. County road? The BLM or Forest Service wouldn't have any jurisdiction over that.

great scott

Well-Known Member
rebarguy said:
Utah State Parks and Recreation provided most of the signs for our trails here in Kanab. They also gave us a grant for our trail system. I can put you in touch with someone who worked on it here if you'd like.
Thanks for the idea :cool: but due to time alone I think we will pass for now. The King Challenge :greg: is a good fund raiser for us, and as such we can afford pay for some good signs. I just may your idea down the road, if things wok out the way I hope.

great scott

Well-Known Member
rebarguy said:
Got your trails on a map? Do it, check with the land manager of what the trails are on. Make sure your trails are on their maps, if not find out what you need to do to get them there. From there you can get help with the signage,
State parks & Rec is a good source.
We are smakdab in the middle of a RMP. Our trails are on one version of their plan but not on the others. That's part of why we want to sign them is to help save them.

great scott

Well-Known Member
rebarguy said:
If you have roads going through someones property, you need to make sure that they are on a map as a legit Right of Way. County road? The BLM or Forest Service wouldn't have any jurisdiction over that.

No private land, just BLM and some school trust.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
carsmell said:
cronquist is a good example! drive through there and get some dirty looks.

They're good people. They've just been jerked around for half a century (or longer) because of the land they own and how you need to access it to get to the FS land. They've got a legitimate gripe and I totally see their side, but also like Birch canyon quite a bit, so I want access. Bottom line, I stay on the road and leave any gates like they were.


Registered User
Yip your right. but sometimes I think people get kind of a god complex and treat others like dirt. not that I have anything against dirt


Registered User
I'd say let's find some 1/4-3/8 plate and have water jet or laser cut (Intermountain electronics has one they may be willing to help.) plasma cut if we have to the name of the trail and the rating, then a general green sign (stay on the road no littering expect body damage etc.etc.) then weld the sign to a piece of 2" drill steel and sink it into some concrete at the trailhead.


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great scott

Well-Known Member
78mitsu said:
I'd say let's find some 1/4-3/8 plate and have water jet or laser cut (Intermountain electronics has one they may be willing to help.) plasma cut if we have to the name of the trail and the rating, then a general green sign (stay on the road no littering expect body damage etc.etc.) then weld the sign to a piece of 2" drill steel and sink it into some concrete at the trailhead.
Just what I am looking for :) . I do think that all trails need some thing like this at the start. Other trails may need direction signs to help keep you on track


Registered User
great scott said:
Just what I am looking for :) . I do think that all trails need some thing like this at the start. Other trails may need direction signs to help keep you on track

I think that could be pretty simple either paint aarows on some rocks, or a fensepost with an aarow on it, problem is they're washes, so I don't know if the fenseposts would hold up well unless we sunk them pretty deep, or concreted them in.