Training day


What would you like to see or do at the next training day event. I think May would be a good time before it gets hot. Time, location, classes would be the items to discuss. Let's hear from you and make this a great event.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
I'd love to hear from guys that wheel ifs rigs and how they handle terrain different from Solid front axles, since I'm new to ifs. Beyond that, a cooking recipe sharing session would be kinda fun for me to attend.

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Just an FYI, O.S.R.C. is May 26-28.

Yeah I knew about that cause I'll be there but the Expo I didn't. Since alot of us would be at osrc, it could work on that Saturday night and maybe an expo run on dirt going home sunday stopping at the topaz camp. Just an idea there. The weekend before Expo is also an option. Or April , but that first week is no good for me (other priorities) . Id just like to give people plenty of time to plan this.

I like the cooking recipes idea. Sounds yummy.


After reading the improve RME thread. I see a great if not awesome opportunity that everyone is missing. It seems most like get togethers and getting to know one another and BSing, showing off new rigs, gear, or new things/trails they've learned about. This could also be a good time to heal old wounds, make new friends and family.
So what is it about this event that isn't getting your excitement. Is it the name or something about classes thats a turnoff. Or me trying to get this rolling.
I know I've maybe bumped some heads but never tried to make enemies.
Maybe a rename is in order. Maybe it could be called "The Meet " and instead of classes it could be called "sessions". A winching session, a cooking session, trail etiquette session. Could go around to different camps and show what they are cooking.
Don't miss this great idea that RME has put together. This is your event, let's make it happen again. Cause I'll be damned if im gonna let this fizzle away.


I run a tight ship... wreck
I don't think the name is a bad thing, but I kind of like the idea breaking it down to simple, individual classes like the ones you mentioned. Something you could hold out on the trail, in the mountains or desert depending on the time if year. You could even choose 2 'classes', like offroad recovery and camp cooking and get a handful of knowledgeable people that are interested to run them

The biggest thing here is to know your audience & their skill level. If they're newbies, that would be easy to talk about Offroad Driving 101, Basic Recovery, Trail Etiquette, etc, etc. If they're more skilled, like I'd assume most RME members are then you could get into the more technical aspects.

Rock Taco

Well-Known Member
I'm interested. But having said that my opinion is set a date and location and what sessions/training you or persons you are planning with and make it happen. I think sometimes we make the mistake of looking for too much input from others that may not even show up. The sessions/training my not be as important to some as to others as just the social aspect of it. After the event is over then you can asked what worked and what didn't and improve the next event.

Peoples scheules are are filling fast for the year so the sooner a solid date/location is set the better.

This is is just my thoughts.


April 30th or May 14 looks like the best times.
Lil moab seems like a great location. Plenty of room to camp and can make a quick run to the tunnels or trails near Eureka. Also great place to learn for newcomers. I learned alot there back in the day.


somewhat damaged
This was probably covered in previous training events that I couldn't attend in my previous life... but I'd like to pick the brains of people who have bugout bags and such. I'm currently working on a multi-purpose but pack-able bag that has enough stuff to get get me off a trail on foot, or from the slc valley back to home on foot or any of the various in-between scenarios. I think packing good survival supplies on the trail is more important than I used to believe and would make for an interesting discussion.


Love it. Great idea. If you are working on something like that right now and need some sewing done. I can help with that.
Im also looking for volunteers OR speakers that can help out in any way. Maybe talking about interesting scenarios that you've had on a trip or a cool story.
I need to lock down that this week so I can start getting this rolling by Friday.


Monday bump.
For you day dreamers at work.

I have a niece that is interested in jeeps and her friend took her to moab recently. I have invited them.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
FYI: May 14th is WERock Cedar City. It may not matter for this but just thought you should know


My opinion may not be of much worth but to me these training DAYS seem like too much talking and not enough wheeling. I'm all for SOME training but to me, what sounds better is a day of wheeling with a training (singular) at the end. My weekend days are precious and I'd rather spend more time behind the wheel than in a chair or standing around listening. Granted, a day of wheeling ends up being half driving and half BSing, but technically there is no "schedule" to the BSing. That's probably why I haven't attended in the past. They have seemed like amazing events for what they are and I'm not trying to shine any negative light on the efforts thus far, but I always have a project that needs to get done, and usually the project wins over a "training day." If it were a "wheeling day with a winch training in the middle" I may use one of my play weekends for it. I figure that between projects around the house, family commitments, church/service stuff, honey-do's, or work, I have one-ish weekend a month to play so I need to choose that activity wisely. If I can choose something that will include the wife and 2 kids, even better. For this reason, a training day that is similar to those done in the past just isn't appealing to me.

Here is what would get me (and perhaps some others in my predicament) out to a training day:

-Meet up at Tibble at 1pm on Saturday
-Leave for the Forest Lake trail at 2pm
-RME meet and greet/ show your rig in that hour or spotlight a particular rig
-Run forest lake trail
-Dutch oven cook-off/ "training"/ potluck until dark or whenever people want to leave (or insert whatever training you want)

Here's another one:

-Meet at Lehi Main/ Redwood crossroads Friday at 5:30pm
-Head out to little Moab at 6pm
-Set up camps in a general area
-night wheeling course for 2-3 rig classes. (showing the benefits of rock lights, spotters, etc)
-Saturday morning potluck/ RME meet and greet
-after breakfast show and tell of 3 or 4 of the better known RME camp set-ups and why they use what they use. (DAA, Steve, Davy, etc.)
-Break camp/ wheel more/ disperse.

These types of "events" would take less preparation (I think) and would IMO be more appealing to those who can't spare a weekend unless it's more "play" and less "training." Another benefit is that there would likely be breakage/ recovery situations at each one that would further help with "training" if/when needed. I'm no expert but I've learned a ton just by being out on the trail with a broken rig or helping somebody in the group with a broken rig.

If the "training day" is what the consensus wants, go for it. They have seemed like great events in the past. I just probably won't be able to squeeze it into the ever-growing schedule.

ps, my favorite event ever was put on by Kurt and some others I believe. If I recall correctly, it was called the "Duel at Dutchman Flats" and it was a team (2 rigs) event with all sorts of challenges. It was probably 2006-ish. Let's bring that back!

My .02


Well-Known Member
West Jordan
My opinion may not be of much worth but to me these training DAYS seem like too much talking and not enough wheeling. I'm all for SOME training but to me, what sounds better is a day of wheeling with a training (singular) at the end. My weekend days are precious and I'd rather spend more time behind the wheel than in a chair or standing around listening. Granted, a day of wheeling ends up being half driving and half BSing, but technically there is no "schedule" to the BSing. That's probably why I haven't attended in the past. They have seemed like amazing events for what they are and I'm not trying to shine any negative light on the efforts thus far, but I always have a project that needs to get done, and usually the project wins over a "training day." If it were a "wheeling day with a winch training in the middle" I may use one of my play weekends for it. I figure that between projects around the house, family commitments, church/service stuff, honey-do's, or work, I have one-ish weekend a month to play so I need to choose that activity wisely. If I can choose something that will include the wife and 2 kids, even better. For this reason, a training day that is similar to those done in the past just isn't appealing to me.

Here is what would get me (and perhaps some others in my predicament) out to a training day:

-Meet up at Tibble at 1pm on Saturday
-Leave for the Forest Lake trail at 2pm
-RME meet and greet/ show your rig in that hour or spotlight a particular rig
-Run forest lake trail
-Dutch oven cook-off/ "training"/ potluck until dark or whenever people want to leave (or insert whatever training you want)

Here's another one:

-Meet at Lehi Main/ Redwood crossroads Friday at 5:30pm
-Head out to little Moab at 6pm
-Set up camps in a general area
-night wheeling course for 2-3 rig classes. (showing the benefits of rock lights, spotters, etc)
-Saturday morning potluck/ RME meet and greet
-after breakfast show and tell of 3 or 4 of the better known RME camp set-ups and why they use what they use. (DAA, Steve, Davy, etc.)
-Break camp/ wheel more/ disperse.

These types of "events" would take less preparation (I think) and would IMO be more appealing to those who can't spare a weekend unless it's more "play" and less "training." Another benefit is that there would likely be breakage/ recovery situations at each one that would further help with "training" if/when needed. I'm no expert but I've learned a ton just by being out on the trail with a broken rig or helping somebody in the group with a broken rig.

If the "training day" is what the consensus wants, go for it. They have seemed like great events in the past. I just probably won't be able to squeeze it into the ever-growing schedule.

ps, my favorite event ever was put on by Kurt and some others I believe. If I recall correctly, it was called the "Duel at Dutchman Flats" and it was a team (2 rigs) event with all sorts of challenges. It was probably 2006-ish. Let's bring that back!

My .02

I think you hit it head on for most of us. Well stated!

Hopefully the really new people don't feel too intimidated to just jump in like that.


Yes :D. Part 2 of your comment is what I had in mind. Maybe a quick run to the tunnel, eureka and loop back. Could do a big central bonfire with the talks/class instruction if the wind isnt acting up .
I also have a quick inspirational off-road DVD that I'd like to play before the night ends.
I'd like to know more about this duel ? if anyone has that .


Sandy, Ut, my favorite event ever was put on by Kurt and some others I believe. If I recall correctly, it was called the "Duel at Dutchman Flats" and it was a team (2 rigs) event with all sorts of challenges. It was probably 2006-ish. Let's bring that back!...

Interestingly, that was one of my favorite events to host too. That was during my tenure as President of the U4WDA and we had some rocking board members including Chris Perri (EZRhino) whom was really the brainchild of that event. We had winching (Mary Ellen Gulch), an improvised stretcher course (Forest Lake) and a few other "skill" contests. Truth be told the long term goal was to do some kind of "Utah Trophy Challenge" event similar to those found in CA, WA, OR, etc. Basically 2-4 man teams competing with off-road challenges and skill challenges alike. That would be fun to do again.