Transfer case problems

I bought the truck on the 4th of this month and I only put a 100 miles on it its not a daily driver so I drove it home from the dealer wich is 40 miles and then around town a few times then it was parked until thje other night when I discovered this problem.
I bought my LJ from Henry Day and they gave me a engine warranty. So far I have had to replace the water pump and now my rear main is leaking and of course this warranty they gave me covers none of it. The warranty covers internal parts on the motor. What a crock of Sh*T.
I bought the truck on the 4th of this month and I only put a 100 miles on it its not a daily driver so I drove it home from the dealer wich is 40 miles and then around town a few times then it was parked until thje other night when I discovered this problem.

What GOES AROUND COMES AROUND comes to mind, again good luck SKIPPY your gonna need it if there is such a thing as bad Karma;)
I know one of the managers in the parts department and she is pretty good person... now the service department is another thing but like has been said before they are a pretty good dealership...
I have an 04 3500 cummins 6spd ram and it does the same thing in 4x4, but only when your turning sharp, like when I am parking my trailer, I dove it to the airport and back to Riverton Tuesday night during the blizzard in 4 hi, 40+ miles @ 50mph with no problems at all, but when i got home and turned it sharp to pull in the drive way it made that funny pop noise. So I assumed its in the front end, typical Dodge. I also was told that the Dodge T case should be over filled at all times, my T case rear seal leaks and there is fluid all under the bottom of the cab, but the last time it was serviced at the dealer they said it was still full.
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So I took the Truck into the dealer and sure enough they said it was the t-case although my warranty does not cover labor(and i refused to pay there 5 hour labor charge) they are giving me the new transfer case and letting me install it myself....... FREE OF CHARGE!!!!!!!!!! as of right now i will definately deal with Henry day Ford in the future when i went to pick it after they checked it out they washed it and vacuumed it out for me I LOVE good customer service