Transformers 2


I liked it. Like others have said, cheesy here and there, with some parts that could be removed (what movie doesn't have those??) The scene at the end with the

I'll buy it when it comes out to add to my Bluray collection.


Active Member
Movie was ok.. Some things I was like wait that is not right.. But the best part was me sitting there and hearing the swearing from the robots and the sudden hush and OMG! from all the people who brought their children. I felt liek I was the only one there that did not mind the language.. Guess that is what happens when you watch these things in the happy vally.


Active Member
Pleasant Grove
The ONLY thing that kept me interested was waiting to see if Megan Fox's boobies were going to fall out while she was running in slow motion (which was half the movie). I thought it was way over done... cheesy, and the plot was weak. This is actually the first time I've really agreed with the critics. The twins were like JarJar Binks in reincarnate, the parents were out of control... and all of the add placement just got plain annoying.


Registered User
Arm Utah
I went not expecting much more that to see some Autobots kicking some Decepticon butt, oh, and to see Megan Fox, and thoroughly enjoyed it.


Profain? Wow I guess my views on profanity must be somewhat scewed, they never once drop the F-bomb. They say freaking or friggin maybe but most PG-13 movies these days actually allow the F-bomb and you can say Sh** on most regular TV stations these day's late at night and it's ok. So it's an action movie and people are complaining about a little bit of swearing which really wasn't all that bad for most action movies. I guess if you are easily offended or don't want your kids to hear what they can get from regular television then just don't go, don't watch it and don't complain about it. Everybody has the right to just not go see something that might offend them.


Well-Known Member
Profain? Wow I guess my views on profanity must be somewhat scewed, they never once drop the F-bomb. They say freaking or friggin maybe but most PG-13 movies these days actually allow the F-bomb and you can say Sh** on most regular TV stations these day's late at night and it's ok. So it's an action movie and people are complaining about a little bit of swearing which really wasn't all that bad for most action movies. I guess if you are easily offended or don't want your kids to hear what they can get from regular television then just don't go, don't watch it and don't complain about it. Everybody has the right to just not go see something that might offend them.
There is an edited version that is shown at random. Sounds odd I know and most people won't believe it but go to the MPAA and they have the regular version and the version they are calling the IMAX version which is edited (the IMAX version is shown in theaters other than just IMAX theaters). I've seen it twice and saw two different versions, both were at the same theater. (The District)

Search around and you will see many people talking about the T-formers dropping the f-bomb, while there are also many saying they didn't. I'm not easily offended, and wasn't offended at all by the language, but I wouldn't want my kid (if I had one) seeing the first version I saw.


opinions are like Jeeps..
Clinton, Ut
So I finally saw this movie. My wife bought the DVD for us since I loved the first one.
I was planning on going to it in theatre but I never had time.

I was kind of disappointed in the second. It wasnt bad by any means I just felt like it could have been WAY better.

Very cheesy.

The scene with the Prime Gods.........oh boy.

Megan Fox did look smokin tho!

The twins were annoying as well.

As for the robot swearing.....I dont get easily offended and I was not offended by any means BUT
Could they have made the show without it and been just as good or better?? Oh ya

I wouldnt want my kids to see it just because of that


By endurance we conquer
I saw it again last night from redbox and thought it was better than in the theatre. For some reason it seemed less annoying. weird huh.


Registered User
Arm Utah
I bought it too, for the same reason and was somewhat disappointed. Prolly won't get my money's worth out of watching it.


Formerly Beardy McGee
i was kind of disappointed in the second. It wasnt bad by any means i just felt like it could have been way better. agreed

very cheesy. agreed

the scene with the prime gods.........oh boy.

Megan fox did look smokin tho! toe thumb!! :(

the twins were annoying as well. agreed

as for the robot swearing.....i dont get easily offended and i was not offended by any means but
could they have made the show without it and been just as good or better?? Oh ya agreed

i wouldnt want my kids to see it just because of that
