Jeep Two sets of wheels/tires?


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Bountiful, UT
I have an average TJ. I ordered some new tires, and now I am thinking maybe I want to keep two sets, one for wheeling, and one for ordinary use, because the Jeep is my only four wheeled vehicle now.
I have never lived where there is any good wheeling before, so I am wondering if it's worth having a second set of tires.
I already have a small trailer for carting them with me, but clearly that's a PITA. I thought I would put them on for trips, weekend playing around, etc. If I were just hopping out of town for a few hours, it's probably not worth it.
I will probably be getting around mainly on one of my motorcycles for daily use, except in winter. I found a good deal on a set of replacement tires in the stock size for my Rubicon, and I was considering some DIY steel beadlocks anyway.


  • they might last longer
  • easier driving on stock sized tires, MPG, getting up to speed on Fway, etc


  • PITA to store, move, and put on
  • Criminy man, are you ready to go yet?
  • Easier for someone to steal them when they aren't on the Jeep

My tires arrive on Wednesday. :D Finally. I was worried they wouldn't arrive until days before I move, and I am already driving around on mismatched tires, half of them unbalanced.



Sandy, Ut
Unless you put a considerable amount of miles on the Jeep day to day I wouldn't consider it worth it. My time is worth money, if I have to spend an hour changing out the tires a couple of times a month, storing them, etc... I'd have been able to purchase another new set of tires in the meantime.


Long Jeep Fan
Holladay, Utah
I had two sets for my Scrambler but it wasn't a daily driver so one set didn't get used much. My son ended up swiping them for his jeep. After he wore those tires out he bought some KM2s and uses them for summer and a set of 33x9.5s for winter. Changing the a couple of times per year isn't that bad.