Thanks Scott...:-\ Ok, well I will know more tomorrow after club meeting if we are in need of some specific help I will let ya know Jinx, thanks for the offer.
READ THIS PART CAREFULLY; For those signing up for Pinnacle thinking we are running Pinnacle 2 we have have a hic-up (Most likely a confusion between me and getting the trail descriptions to U4
) And unless I can get a crazy person to lead Pinnacle 2, CCKC (this means you Scott
) will be leading the original Pinnacle trail (pinnacle 1) I can hear it now, BOOO! Sorry but this is because of the general problems with leading this particular trail during an event such as this.
Don't let me deter you from staying the night in Price and running it on Sunday, but unless something changes between now and tomorrow nights meeting, the King Crawlers will be leading Pinn1 not Pinn2.