U4WDA & USA-ALL: What happened to Canaan Mountain?

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
Your two comments are at odds. If they weren't willing to address our concerns, why would we not seek to address the problem through change in representation? The short answer was that USA-ALL promised this was the best way to go about it. But, over a year later, there's no follow-through and no accountability. Same old bullshit story. Yes, they did lie. There's zero follow-through as promised. Yes, they did screw us. Their old line of "listen to us, we know best" has left us in the cold again.

You guys can keep making excuses for failures OR someone can start holding these orgs accountable until we A) see our orgs improve or B) get better orgs.

Continually making excuses and refusing to debate issues helps no one but Sierra Club and SUWA.

To answer the question about representation, it involves the Washington County political scene. The county is rapidly becoming urbanized and most of the residents have come from somewhere else. When we had the first meeting with the Commission, an election was coming up. The present Commission is old school rural people, but the ones opposing them in the election were very liberal urban types with no understanding or sympathy for our issues. If we threw the bums out, the new bums would have been much worse. The decision to accept the Commissioners promises was agreed to by the local people attending the meeting and not an arbitrary decision by USA-All. Everyone left the meeting holding their noses, but agreeing that it was the lesser evil.
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Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
There actually was follow up.

I attended a meeting with the Commission set up by Swensen after the land use bill was passed and the elections were over. The purpose of the meeting was to remind the Commissioners of the promises they made.

At that meeting, the Commissioner present adamantly stated that the County was actively pursuing the ROW and at that time their priority was the get the State involved as a party in the court action.

I'm not trying to make excuses or apologize for USA-All. I've jumped on them on occasions myself. I just want to make sure that what they are being held accountable for is what they actually have or have not done.
There actually was follow up.

I attended a meeting with the Commission set up by Swensen after the land use bill was passed and the elections were over. The purpose of the meeting was to remind the Commissioners of the promises they made.

At that meeting, the Commissioner present adamantly stated that the County was actively pursuing the ROW and at that time their priority was the get the State involved as a party in the court action.

I'm not trying to make excuses or apologize for USA-All. I've jumped on them on occasions myself. I just want to make sure that what they are being held accountable for is what they actually have or have not done.

Thanks Don. It would be nice to hear about this stuff instead of having to have a discussion like this before we find out any news. It's 100% on USA-ALL to communicate what's going on. They don't. Part of what I consider thin resources spread across too many activities and accomplishing nothing. Focus on a few things, acheive SOMETHING, then build on that. That would be my advice.

But in the end, still we're screwed on CMSR.


Sand Pile
St George Utah
So what if we are screwed on CMSR. Those that will be affected the most are the locals. Get over and enjoy what we have left, that is until the RMP in Washington County is implemented, and everything else gets closed. Too many assumption's and throat slitting going around on the forums for anything to get achieved. More boots on the ground in the area of the fight is what's needed. It is always going to be the SAME TEN PEOPLE making the noise about land use issues. The other's will say nothing, no big surprise, most don't care, nor do they have the patience to wait in line for ticket to the circus! Any one involved in Land Use for any amount of time know that it takes patience and time. TONS of time, with little or no results. Just to start over again on a RMP just at the original one has been implemented.