Uroc Support Of Usa All And U4wda


Sand Pile
St George Utah
Hey just curious how much support UROC and competitors give to USA All Blue Ribbon and the U4WDA. As well as business's that sponsor UROC and there events. I see no reason why BFG and other companies couldn't put forth funding or support for offroad enthusiast's. With big companies on our side we could make even more of a difference. After all offroad use and rockcrawling literally exploded in recent years because of UROC and events like them that promote the sport. How many new 4wd's do the dealerships sell after a UROC event comes to town. Just a thought.


Sandy, Ut
UROC is a long-time supporter of Land-Use and the U4WDA. They give Usa-All and U4WDA free booth space at any of their events, and have offered several "fundraiser" options at their events. As far as competitors, quite a few of the local ones are U4WDA members, and I know alot of the Cali guys are members of Cal4WD :D

Maxxis, BFGoodrich, Rocklogic4x4, Warn, Mepco, Tereflex, Six States, Ramsey, MileMarker, etc.... etc... etc... do ALOT to help out the U4WDA and the big three (BRC, Usa-All, United).

Hope that gives you some insight ;)

A few more are listed here:

We have a really supportive industry, our problem is just giving them the opportunity to support (meaning making contact with the appropriate people)

Look forward to seeing alot of donated goods on our U4WDA Raffle Jeep :D


Lobbyist \ Consultant

I am grateful for the free booth space they have provided us. Booths do bring in small amounts and help us raise awareness but on the whole they aren’t as effective as other methods.

I am disappointed at their lack of involvement in land use issues. I was once told that one of the original ideas behind UROC was to fund pro-access groups. I can tell you USA-ALL hasn’t received one red cent from them for years. We haven’t actively or aggressively solicited them either, so we share in the blame.

I wish 1 dollar of every ticket sold would go to USA-ALL, or even put a donation box at the front counter and have the ticket people ask if people would like to donate. I think most people would feel good about paying an extra dollar to fund Pro-access activity.

You know sometimes people think I’m asking for too much, their wrong. SUWA has an annual budget of over 2.8 million dollars (about 20x larger than our annual budget), they have more left over every year than we make in 3 years. They have a fulltime paid staff of 20, 3 full time attorneys, offices in SLC, Moab, St. George and Washington D.C. But look at what we have done with our staff of 3 our home office in Payson and our small budget! Imagine what we could do if we had half of their budget! SUWA is just one of the groups we fight, and they are very small in comparison to the national groups.

We fight multi million dollar organizations. One dollar per ticket sold at UROC events would give us the money we need to hire more help so we can be more involved and get into the issues even deeper, work more politicians, negotiate motorized interests, fund our much needed public education program and if needed file more law suits.

There are many more of us in the West especially in Utah that support responsible access and loath radical environmentalists. If all of us gave one dollar our budget would give us what we need to make huge gains. Really in this forum I am preaching to the choir. Many of you give us way more than anyone should have too. We appreciate it.

I give this speech way too often, but it kills me to know how much we have done and how much more we could do if people would just believe in us, and donate a little. All I can say is imagine the possibilities.

USA-ALL has been around along time and we're here to stay, our history speaks for itself, we have been very successful, but we can only be as effective as our budget and wonderful member volunteers allow.

There is hope, a new day is rising on public land management in Utah, we will stand united, no longer will enviros divide us and they will not conquer us, we will bring common sense back into the equation. Imagine…


aka. Hollywood
utahmike said:
I was once told that one of the original ideas behind UROC was to fund pro-access groups.

That's half the reason I ran UROC, Craig always told us a certain percentage went to support land use groups. It's too bad UROC doesn't show more support to help maintian the roots of the sport.



Sand Pile
St George Utah
Nicely Said.

utahmike said:
I am grateful for the free booth space they have provided us. Booths do bring in small amounts and help us raise awareness but on the whole they aren’t as effective as other methods.

That is exactly what I wanted to hear. Lol you hit it on the head. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ talk BS WALKS.


Sandy, Ut
Samuraiman said:
That is exactly what I wanted to hear. Lol you hit it on the head. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ talk BS WALKS.

Why is that what you wanted to hear?

Money does talk, but so does actually getting involved... it is easy to critisize an orginization over the internet, but why doesn't someone call UROC and ask them what they can do to help (I know they don't have money falling out of their pockets). And as for the sponsors, as I described, they are always willing to help, our problem is giving them the opportunity (calling them, following up, etc).

Get involved...


Sand Pile
St George Utah

[I am disappointed at their lack of involvement in land use issues. I was once told that one of the original ideas behind UROC was to fund pro-access groups. I can tell you USA-ALL hasn’t received one red cent from them for years. We haven’t actively or aggressively solicited them either, so we share in the blame.

I wish 1 dollar of every ticket sold would go to USA-ALL, or even put a donation box at the front counter and have the ticket people ask if people would like to donate. I think most people would feel good about paying an extra dollar to fund Pro-access activity.

Do I sound critical? My point is and as you read above you have and outfit like UROC and all there sponsors that promote a sport, but don't support the sport in all the way's they can. Yes they may be more willing to support the sport instead of just promote it. So what do you do about that. Do you call em do you write em? Maybe as a a representative of U4WDA you should get on the stinkin phone and call everyone of em or delegate. (There is some more critisizm pointed directly at you) Can you handle it? Mike hit it on the head when he said that we need to solicite them actively and aggressively, not only UROC and there sponsors but HONDA KAWASAKI POLARIS etcc etccc. Every single manufacter and promotor of outdoor recreation and off highway use. So back to the other side of the topic all the big manufacters and sponsors of UROC also should support there sport and not just promote it. As you said it is easy to critisize people on the Internet, just as easy as to critisize them to there face. For those that know me (Trust me you will always know what is on my mind, no question's asked) That's why I drive a Samurai, I can put up with your crap) I am not bringing this topic up saying nothing has been done and nobody supports the sport. I am bringing it up and to see what can be done to better fund and support our sport. Rather it be from money or promoting the sport as a family oriented responsible users of the outdoors. I can say that there are more ways than money to support the sport. Also all those that do support the sport need a big pat on the back and a BIG KISS. Not to mention the thanks that they do receive from U4WDA and others.


Sandy, Ut
Samuraiman said:
...I wish 1 dollar of every ticket sold would go to USA-ALL, or even put a donation box at the front counter and have the ticket people ask if people would like to donate. I think most people would feel good about paying an extra dollar to fund Pro-access activity.

Wishful thinking... I hardly doubt that UROC can afford to pay anything at this time, like everyone else in the industry they are trying to make it happen, they have however OFFERED us to make money WITH them. You think people are more than willing to kick some money in a bucket, I wish pal. I spent countless hours manning a booth @ EJS, DM Outdoor Show, etc.. and we collect ~$50. Join us, mabey you can show us how to solicit. We could use the help... beleive me... :rolleyes:

Samuraiman said:
...Do I sound critical? My point is and as you read above you have and outfit like UROC and all there sponsors that promote a sport, but don't support the sport in all the way's they can.

As I stated above, vendors I chat with are MORE than happy to help us out in whatever way they can, and as both Mike and I stated, the problem is reaching them. How many sponsors, potential business members, and potential donators have you called lately?

Samuraiman said:
...Maybe as a a representative of U4WDA you should get on the stinkin phone and call everyone of em or delegate.

Thanks for the idea... I will ask all of our over-burdened U4WDA BOD to VOLUNTEER more of their time... :confused:

Samuraiman said:
...(There is some more critisizm pointed directly at you) Can you handle it? Mike hit it on the head when he said that we need to solicite them actively and aggressively, not only UROC and there sponsors but HONDA KAWASAKI POLARIS etcc etccc.

Critisism, is that what that is? Well get on the phone, let us know what they say. DID I MENTION WE ARE ALL VOLUNTEERS BEGGING FOR MORE HELP?

Samuraiman said:
...Every single manufacter and promotor of outdoor recreation and off highway use. So back to the other side of the topic all the big manufacters and sponsors of UROC also should support there sport and not just promote it.

Like I said, put your money where your mouth (or words) are... Get ahold of Daynene (our activities director, in charge of soliciting donations) and Steve Jackson (in charge of our Trail Friendly Business program) and OFFER to VOLUNTEER, or just tell them what to do. :rofl:

Samuraiman said:
...As you said it is easy to critisize people on the Internet, just as easy as to critisize them to there face.

Come on up to our Board Meetings, I have been begging people to come help...

I appreciate your willingness to comment on what we need to do, but what we need is "walkers" not "talkers"... Your not the first to comment on how we should do our jobs (do we call them that?) better, and you won't be the last. We need people to raise up their arms and ask what they can do to help... we have more things going on right now than we can handle... we have to turn down excellent opportunities becasue we lack manpower and support.

PS. Want to be the President?

(Disclaimer: I can handle critisim, in fact I learn by it, however... I won't sit back and let the U4WDA be attacked by those uneducated on our Association, Board Members and excellent members. I often ask myself why I stick around, think I really like heading to Moab just to hear about trail runs and beg people to spend $1 on a raffle ticket? I am a full-time student, and I try to run a business in the free time... I can think of alot more ways to spend the 10-20 hours a week that I VOLUNTEER to the U4WDA. If it wern't for the excellent members and Board members this association has I would be lost...)

Did I mention WALK THE TALK!!!


Sandy, Ut
Oh yeah, another disclaimer why I am at it... these comments are all on behalf of Kurt Williams, 24, single, white-male, student, self-employeed, works construction on occasions to pay the tuition. Don't confuse these with the opinions of the U4WDA, as they are much nicer...

You can visit my personal complaints department... don't hold back!

But be forwarned, get angry enough... and the U4WDA President position may just end up in your lap.



Sand Pile
St George Utah
Nice one

You should get a medal for that response. I donate plenty of my time to support land use efforts and support our sport. I have solicited several businesses and individuals and given them the right contact and applications to become members of USA ALL or the U4WDA. If any of these businesses or individuals have stepped up is another question. Some of of which did. I have also contacted Mike about sitting down with more businesses in the area that of which we have done in conjuction with the Tri State OHV club in Hurricane Utah. I have also spent endless hours on cleanup and conservation of the area's I use on a regular basis. Not to mention the planning and of a staging area near Hurricane Sand dunes on BLM property. All of which is going to be donated by local business's and individual's. Have you ever seen how much paper work it takes to get something like that approved/then add up all the hours spent typing calling and sitting in City meetings to make it happen. One year later still no approval. Time material and man power still waiting to be used. Yes there needs to be more people stepping up to help out with these sort of projects. I suppose this will be my last comment on this subject, because you seem to think that I am personally attacking you.(only what you deserve) I don't mean anything in a rude way just speaking my mind as you often do so often on this board.(not a bad thing)


Sandy, Ut
Samuraiman said:
You should get a medal for that response.

Thanks, I spent hours preparing it ;)

Samuraiman said:
I donate plenty of my time to support land use efforts and support our sport. I have solicited several businesses and individuals and given them the right contact and applications to become members of USA ALL or the U4WDA.

I am sure you have, and for that I am thankful... If every wheeler could spend 1 day a year towards Land-Use, conservation, and improving our public image, we would be set... I never said you did nothing, feel guilty?

Samuraiman said:
I have also spent endless hours on cleanup and conservation of the area's I use on a regular basis. .... Have you ever seen how much paper work it takes to get something like that approved/then add up all the hours spent typing calling and sitting in City meetings to make it happen. One year later still no approval. Time material and man power still waiting to be used. Yes there needs to be more people stepping up to help out with these sort of projects.

I hear you there, and yes, I know what its like to deal with the governments beuracracy (sp?)... We have a million projects going on up here too... I am VERY aware of the time demands... That is why I am careful to not "tell people what to do." I am more than happy to ask for their help... but statements like "Maybe as a a representative of U4WDA you should get on the stinkin phone and call everyone of em or delegate. seem to strike a nerve...

Samuraiman said:
I suppose this will be my last comment on this subject, because you seem to think that I am personally attacking you.(only what you deserve) I don't mean anything in a rude way just speaking my mind as you often do so often on this board.(not a bad thing)

I don't want this to be your last comment, I would love to hear more from you. Like I have repeatedly said, we need help. Give UROC a call, don't call them "BS". Lets hear their side of the story, I know I have, I tried to present it to you and got a "That is exactly what I wanted to hear. Lol you hit it on the head. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ talk BS WALKS....


Sand Pile
St George Utah
[That is why I am careful to not "tell people what to do." I am more than happy to ask for their help... but statements like "Maybe as a a representative of U4WDA you should get on the stinkin phone and call everyone of em or delegate. seem to strike a nerve...

I learned how to strike a nerve reading your Personal complaint department. Must have worked.


Sandy, Ut
Regarding my defense of UROC.... I'm not about to let anyone bash a vendor... a vendor that CAME TO US and asked if we wanted to make money, asked us if we wanted to give our members HALF-OFF coupons. Companies are more than willing to help, but its not too often that they come to us (Mepco, Rocklogic4x4, Tereflex, & Tom Woods come to mind).

What a better time to thank those that do help:



Sandy, Ut
Samuraiman said:
I learned how to strike a nerve reading your Personal complaint department. Must have worked.

Must have... And you can entertain me by telling me what good that did... :rolleyes: Thanks for your support! :-\

I can't wait to hear from you... Daynene & Steve are expecting your call :cool:


Sandy, Ut
PS, I just nominated you for U4WDA Southern Region Vice President, we have been looking for one for awhile. PM me a short bio so I can pass it onto our BOD & membership, and we can vote!

We can help you, help us...


Rep Big Horn 4x4
Roy UT.
OK, I'm sorry that we here in Utah didn't get any of the 25k that UROC gave out last year. I'm working on trying to get a donation for UTAH.

If anybody thinks that Mark and Ranch are going to Hawaii on vacation, your wrong.

When Craig started this, you could get the land we use for about 500 bucks for the weekend. Try better than 10 times that now. Plus permits insurance, Etc etc! Look how far from town we were last weekend in St. George. That site wasn't just picked out of the sky, it was the only site offered. We had to get equipment to get that area ready. Oh and then some F&%$ker stole the sound system from the semi 2 days before the event, and that was the second time!

Hey Mike,I helped to get UROC to give us that space and you guys don't use it! What am I to think? :shawn:


Sand Pile
St George Utah

Hey Mike,I helped to get UROC to give us that space and you guys don't use it! What am I to think? :shawn:[/QUOTE]

All Valid points I think alot of the concern is for more man power. As most know a few people can only do so much. No everyone can be at every event and take ever opportunity to make things fly. I hope to see more involvement of individual's to help lighten the burden of a few. We will just have to do the best we can and try to work on the most important project and topics at hand first, not that all challenges facing the 4 wd drive commmunity are the same. There are still alot of groups out there that are all working toward the same goals as USA all and the U4WDA, but keeping a working relation ship and communication can be hard at times. Just considering that there are tons of OHV users and clubs that support USA all but not U4WDA, because they are users of OHV's and not 4 wd trucks. Anywho just have to let it play out. And as far as the folks that stole the sound equipment, what a shame. Sarge was probably screaming at the top of his lungs for everyone to hear him! J/K Hope they catch em.


Rep Big Horn 4x4
Roy UT.
LOL No, I didn't have to scream, we rented a system from Poll Audio in SLC and Bob Prat brought it down, I'm looking for a new system, but it will cost money. OUCH! ANyway, I'm working on a donation for Utah, The next event for us will be in Vernal. If USA ALL wants a booth out there, just get intouch with me and I'll see if I can make it happen. There are also some very cool venders there! I think I will have to make a BIG SARGE post about the sound system. Got my friends doors back that way!


TheBigSgt said:
...I'm looking for a new system, but it will cost money...

Van Wagenen sells sound systems (pro stuff), I don't know anything about that stuff, but he seems to sell a lot of it, and if his prices on that stuff are anything like his gun prices that's the place to go.