Utah 4-Wheel Drive Association
See more at http://naturalresources.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=369164
Bills included in the act potentially affecting Utah four wheel drive recreation? H.R. 2095, Land Disposal Transparency and Efficiency Act (Bishop, UT-01)
Bills included in the act potentially affecting Utah four wheel drive recreation? H.R. 2095, Land Disposal Transparency and Efficiency Act (Bishop, UT-01)
Title IV: Land Disposal Transparency and Efficiency Act (H.R. 2095 – Bishop)
Requires the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to establish an online database for all BLM lands that are available for sale to the public while limiting all future land acquisitions until this database is established. The BLM has this information, and in the year 2014 it is unacceptable that it has not put this information online so it is easily accessible to the public. By centralizing and making public a database of land the BLM has already determined should be disposed of, the bill will help the federal government efficiently sell land it has determined to be excess.