US Committee Natural Resources: House Passes “Public Access & Lands Improvement Act”


Utah 4-Wheel Drive Association
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Bills included in the act potentially affecting Utah four wheel drive recreation? H.R. 2095, Land Disposal Transparency and Efficiency Act (Bishop, UT-01)

Title IV: Land Disposal Transparency and Efficiency Act (H.R. 2095 – Bishop)

Requires the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to establish an online database for all BLM lands that are available for sale to the public while limiting all future land acquisitions until this database is established. The BLM has this information, and in the year 2014 it is unacceptable that it has not put this information online so it is easily accessible to the public. By centralizing and making public a database of land the BLM has already determined should be disposed of, the bill will help the federal government efficiently sell land it has determined to be excess.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
ARRA backs our position

Support Common-Sense Reform of National Monument Designations

Take Action: Send an Email Urging Your Representative to Support Legislation that Would Require the Administration to Apply NEPA to National Monument Designations.

This week the full House of Representatives will consider legislation (H.R. 1459) introduced by Representative Rob Bishop (R-UT) that would ensure that the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) applies to the declaration of national monuments over 5,000 acres.

As you know, NEPA requires extensive environmental review of most agency actions that impact the management of public lands. The Administration however, has unilateral authority to designate objects as National Monuments and several Presidents have abused this authority to designate massive swaths of public lands as National Monuments, often without widespread local support for the designation.

This bill would ensure that National Monument designations of more than 5,000 acres will require the same NEPA analysis as all other actions that have an impact on the management of public lands - including the meaningful involvement of local stakeholders. Designations of less than 5,000 acres would require NEPA or Congressional approval within three years. Further, the bill would also allow no more than one designation per state during any presidential four-year term.

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Americans for Responsible Recreation Access
1225 Eye Street, N.W., Suite 600, Washington, D. C. 20005
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