USRA rd. 5 Sage Riders National Hair & Hound

It's just sore. No rash or anything. I think just muscle sore. There was a 10 mile stretch I had to sit cause I had a cramp in one calf and a cramp in another hamstring and my right forearm was cramped. I feel like I was in a prison for a week. :eek2:
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Glad you guys liked it. You both kind of had the deer in the headlights look when you came through the home check from loop one and I was giving you a bad time.
Glad you guys liked it. You both kind of had the deer in the headlights look when you came through the home check from loop one and I was giving you a bad time.
I didn't know who was talking to me or what was going on until you said go have fun. You're hard to pick out of a crowd. I recognize you better with your gear and helmet on. ;)
Today maddie was saying how cool she thought it was that Brandon Gerber went as far as he did on Shawn's old bike (1988) I said ha that's 2 years newer than my bike :)

You guys are crazy I get tired after an hour!
Good job everyone
Me and the first loop didn't get along...I rode so crappy and just couldn't find any sense of flow. I finally remembered how to ride on the second loop and was having a blast on those trails (they were seriously sweet trails...I hope I can remember how to find them so I can ride them again), them I lost the front end a mile or so before chicken rock and twisted up my front much so that my bars had to be turned noticeably to the right in order to go that took some wind out of my sails, unfortunately, and I watched the class win (I was leading at the pit), then a class podium and then a trophy all ride right past me...and I really wanted one of those trophies.

Oh well, it just wasn't my day...ended up 5th vet B (even though the vet b rider that finished right in front of me raced expert all last year) and 4th 30+ am and 77th overall.

The sage riders do it sweet was the water truck on pit row?
I felt great on lap 1! I was very consistent and conserving my energy. And no crashes at all. At mile 70 on an uphill section I had a decent wreck and must have blown my knee because I could hardly handle standing up at all forcing me to seat ride the last bit save for a few crazy hill climbs and whoop sections which slowed my speed lots. But I really enjoyed the whole thing. Especially the rocky downhill river bottom where I passed 3 riders who I had been chasing for 10 miles. I blew past them like they were standing still. I guess all the Moab rock riding paid off.
Overall I feel good about my race all things considered.
122 overall and 22/61 in class at a national event doesn't feel too shabby to me! But my knee is pretty bad. I'll have to get it checked out.