Utah State Football


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umm, if you were a top teir football recruit, would you want to go live in logan?


Vanilla Gorilla
umm, if you were a top teir football recruit, would you want to go live in logan?
Every since I was a small boy, I always disliked Logan...As an adult, I try to spend as little time there as possible. No offense to those that call it home but I can't stand that place.

As far as football goes...have they ever been that good?


Registered User
Every since I was a small boy, I always disliked Logan...As an adult, I try to spend as little time there as possible. No offense to those that call it home but I can't stand that place.

As far as football goes...have they ever been that good?

i honestly cant remember a winning season.


Registered User
I went to the game yesterday and ya kinda start to feel bad for them........It was pretty embarrising!

what made things even funnier was that there Quarterback is there punter as well.............never seen that before atleast not since high school.......


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
I went to the game yesterday and ya kinda start to feel bad for them........It was pretty embarrising!

what made things even funnier was that there Quarterback is there punter as well.............never seen that before atleast not since high school.......

Danny White did that for the Dallas Cowboys.


My own epidemic!
Salt Lake City
I went to the game yesterday and ya kinda start to feel bad for them........It was pretty embarrising!

what made things even funnier was that there Quarterback is there punter as well.............never seen that before atleast not since high school.......

So you saw that too? I thought maybe I was imagining things. What I thought was weird was when BYU's QB was still holding the ball for punts etc. like he usually does.


Registered User
So you saw that too? I thought maybe I was imagining things. What I thought was weird was when BYU's QB was still holding the ball for punts etc. like he usually does.

you mean PAT's ??? not punts.......he is the holder for fieldgoals as well.....

And i noticed that as well.......you would have thought they would let the 3 string QB hold............but ohh well.


My own epidemic!
Salt Lake City
Sorry, I meant PAT's and fieldgoals... gosh, I'm just a dumb girl, right? ;)

Yeah, I would have thought they'd have let someone else do it too, I mean they have 3 freshmen QB's in addition to Beck and Beck.

As for Utah State..... I think they just got too excited and thus got sloppy when they got close enough to score. Sad for them.

PS. Did anyone see the fight between all the football players? We didn't have a clear view from where we were, and I was curious as to what happened.


Registered User
I belive you are talking about when BYU's #1 got the personal foul?? I don't know how you spell his name but everyone yells FOOHUU when he gets the ball. anyway if that is the play he got pushed in the face when getting up and all the line men for byu saw it so they all jumped in. #1 got a good shot in and that is what the ref saw.....

it happened on the Utah state sideline right?


My own epidemic!
Salt Lake City
Right. That was the one I was talking about. I was kinda confused, because all we saw was #1 (Fui Vakapuna) down on the field and then the big bustle of players and some fighting and pushing and suddenly #1 ended up with a personal fowl. But now that you gave me a few more details, it kinda makes sense.

Floppy Hat

mbryson's hairdresser
Lehi, Ut.
Indeed, Utah State Football is a sad state of affairs. The last winning season was in 1997 when the Aggies won the Humanitarian Bowl in Boise. John L. Smith was the coach and he took any promise of winning with him when he went to Louisville.

Since then we have endured the Dave Arslanian years. He wasn't that bad of a coach, but I think over half of the players were arrested in 1999 and it ultimately led to his firing. Then entered Mick Dennehy, who probably had some promise, but was forced to play as an independent. Without a conference affliation it became even more difficult to recruit players to come to Logan and they were forced to play a very difficult schedule to generate any income. Now Brent Guy is struggling to revive the program with players who were recruited under the Mick Dennehy days.

The decision to become an independent is what destroyed the football program. Independent status only works if you are Notre Dame. Hopefully Coach Guy can turn things around before the Aggies are demoted to Division II and forced to play in the Big Sky conference.


RUKKASTIXX Motorsports
Highland, Utah
Yeah, I would have thought they'd have let someone else do it too, I mean they have 3 freshmen QB's in addition to Beck and Beck.

Jason Beck is the Number Two QB, Normaly that is his job, They want him doing it as it is a pretty important position on Special teams. It is very hard to Hold for a kicker and they cant train and trust someone in that short of time


My own epidemic!
Salt Lake City
I'm just wondering why they don't have a backup for him. I mean, if he were to break a leg or get into some sort of accident or something, wouldn't they need someone to replace him too? I just figured since he is a backup QB they would have taught one of the other backup QBs how to do it too.