Vampire Weekend


Who Dares Wins
As we have all discussed before, my music tastes have been evolving since my disastrous encounter with prot-emo many years ago. My most recent foray into the Wide World of Music came today when a buddy of mine at work was rocking out to a song called M79 by the band Vampire Weekend. Now with bands like Bishop Allen, Tally Hall and Say Hi populating my Banshee (screw iTunes) play list of late, the classical influenced beats of M79 piqued my ears. When I arrived home and set about 'acquiring' their debut album, my wife informed me that she already had it. This further proved that she is so much cooler than I am.
If you are so inclined, I highly recommend sinking your teeth into Vampire Weekend.


formerly "rckcrlr"
Vampire weekend has been getting a lot of play in our house too. Fun, but still not mainstream poppy. Just kinda makes you happy

Along with them some other recent favorites are Manchester Orchestra, Dodo's, and Kimya Dawson (Yes the Juno sound track).
Dodo's are a MUST listen!!

Edit: And Collin Malloy (Decemberists)