Vehicle Build: 1st Gen Tundra

Been a while. 285s on the 17 inch wheels mounted. Very slight bumper trim and a pinchweld smash will get the rubbing to stop(already removed mud flaps). It's very slight as it is. In 3 weeks I'll have a garage for a few days. Gonna try to get something that looks like a bumper on the rear and I have to change a water pump seal back to an OEM one as it is leaking something fierce.
A few weeks ago, a loose semi truck wheel jumped the median and crossed six lanes before striking my vehicle. Driver's side rear quarter panel was destroyed. After getting several quotes for $3k-$4k, I decided to replace the whole bed with one from the junkyard. This was the best one I found, it has some little rust issues in the bed floor which I'll cut out and weld sheet metal into. I painted it with a roller like I did the hood and the roof (again not ideal but to me it's better than spending 20x what I did to have it done professionally). I think it turned out alright considering it only cost me 300 bucks. It doesn't have flares but again, it'll do. Sad that I had to do it like this but since I started this build it's been about budget and functionality anyways. Truck still works and I can still make memories in it. Looks better than being smashed imo. 20200229_133954.jpg20200327_091533(1).jpg20200329_161116.jpg20200329_191140.jpg20200330_101715.jpg20200330_182325.jpg
Picked this little number up today. Found a deal I couldn't pass up. I have to decide if I like it and then it'll get the trusty black paint job.
If I keep it, I'll probably make a simple sleeping platform. I need to install two latches on the back window and wire the 3rd brake light. Hopefully do some sort of quick release for the brake light to make the whole thing a little easier to take off if I need to transport something large.
Since all classes are online now I have been able to go somewhere with workspace on my days off work and get a little done on the truck. This weekend I starting installing/constructing a rear bumper kit from Coastal Offroad. I have it all tacked up now. I need to pull it off and weld in the sidewing reinforcements and finish weld everything. I thought I was going to be able to finish it all in two days but I always forget how long it takes for me to get anything off of this vehicle. It's great because nothing ever breaks, but when it does, it's rust-weld heaven.

I'll button this up next week. And this pic is about half of what I've done, but the latter half was done in the snow so pics were the last thing on my mind.

I also plan to paint the shell and do a timing belt/water pump kit soon. I really only need to replace a water pump gasket, but it's been 4 years since the last t-belt, and I don't want to get that deep into the engine bay for a while so I'm going to be doing water pump, t-belt, serpentine belt, thermostat, and all associated and necessary gaskets and pulleys.
In desperate need of an oil change soon. My on campus apartment complex fined me 50 dollars for changing my wife's oil in the parking lot so all of these items will likely happen over a few weeks as i travel back and forth to complete tasks.Snapchat-358341158.jpg20200412_141428.jpg20200412_191004.jpg
Forgot to post pics of how the bumper turned out. Luckily, this is the internet so I don't have to show you up close pics of my absolutely horrendous welds. I still need to fix the side wings. Driver's side needs to come up about an inch and a half, passenger's side needs to come up three inches. Had to bore out some of the mounting holes a bit to get all the bolts in and straight.
License plate light is going to be a while because of the shipping delays with Amazon.

I just got my timing belt/water pump kit, and a new serpentine belt and thermostat in. I am having problems with the engine getting too hot when idling on hot days. I can't seem to pinpoint the issue. I initially attributed it to the leaking water pump, but I want to be sure. My fan clutch engages at the right times and has plenty of resistance when I try to turn it by hand, and at any speed over 5 mph, it's just fine. Does anyone have any ideas? Hopefully the thermostat and new water pump, as well as factory coolant will fix the issue, but I'm considering replacing the fan clutch as well anyways.

Anyone have any ideas? Snapchat-391470186.jpg
Trying to make the shell functional (and look prettier haha) so I started by painting it. Truck is back to two colors now. I installed the latch in the rear as well. I still need to find some struts to hold it open, but bungee cords are fine for now. I'm still yound and limber(ish) so I can climb up and tie the window down. After that I started on a drawer system. I initially was going to just go with a basic platform but I soon realized that getting things out that were stuffed to the front of the bed was going to be a nightmare. Drawers are made of 19/32 OSB and on skateboard bearing slides. I still need to paint/somehow seal the exposed edges of the OSB so it doesn't swell but it's plenty strong for me and my needs. I consider it a success, although it could look prettier. Will last at least a few years and was very very cheap. Maybe decked will come out with a system for these trucks by then. 20200514_200507.jpg20200514_200507.jpg20200514_200429.jpg20200514_200419.jpg20200514_200414.jpg20200514_200232.jpg