Video do you guys do it?


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OK, so walking around my work I noticed that Nintendo released a ton of old NES games for game boy. Metroid, Zelda, Mario bros', mario world, castlevania, etc. You know, all the games that I used to play when I was young enough to play games and still maintain a small amount of self respect. At any rate, I was remembering how much fun I used to have playing metroid and I almost considered checking what my price would be on a game boy so I could relive my childhood. I often have some down time at work so I could probably chill out in a corner and any rate again...

So, I won a damn game boy not 2 days after I was thinking all this. They also gave me a free game and I got metroid. I got home, took care of some business with a man named jon, and turned on Metroid. The music and tacky graphics alone brought back memories. I was almost looking forward to playing this game since I never could beat it when I was a kid. After about 10 minutes I was board stiff.

So I guess I'm just wondering how people can spend so much time playing video games? I had an xbox, and in the year I owned it it got about 2 hours playing time by me. I would play for about 20 minutes, then get really bored with it.

Different strokes for different folks, but I'll stick to books for down-time entertainment.



Registered User
Cody said:
I was almost looking forward to playing this game since I never could beat it when I was a kid. After about 10 minutes I was stiff.

Different strokes for different folks, but I'll stick to books for down-time entertainment.


Cody I hate to be the guy who states the obvious but it looks to me like you are spending your time doing other things and probably have no down time for video games. -_- What type of books are you looking at, or should I say reading the articles ;)


Well-Known Member
Shut Up you took me away from Halo 2 to read about a rant regarding a game boy. :D game boy sucks, Halo 2 rules. FLAME AWAY ASSHOLES!!!!!!!! Your my game boy ***** :greg: was a joke :)
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Registered User
8 Bit games rule! I have an original NES with a few games, and bought a PS One a few years ago when they were the hot thing. I would much rather play Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, or 3 on that thing than anything new. Although the racing games are much better on the newer systems.


CJJ92yj said:
8 Bit games rule! I have an original NES with a few games, and bought a PS One a few years ago when they were the hot thing. I would much rather play Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, or 3 on that thing than anything new. Although the racing games are much better on the newer systems.

Ya they do!! I used to love Excitebike, Pac-Man, and Duck Hunt!! The original Nintendo Rocked!


Guard Rail Tester
I indulge myself in video games because I usually spend about 12hrs a day with my nose in books or working with math problems. I'll usually hit the gym for a while, but when I come home and want some entertainment I'll flip on my xbox. TV is stupid anymore, everything is reality this, reality that. It's all BS, I think the only show I watch consistently anymore is the Simpsons, Nova, and This Old House. I probably would play my xbox alot less if it weren't for xbox live. You can log on and the game is different every time. Sometimes I'm handing peoples asses to them, sometimes I'm getting my ass beat, and other times its just a damn good close game. The online factor has changed gaming big time. Usually you could beat a game and you were done with it. But with the online you're getting ALOT more play out of your games.


I drive Frankenstein!!
I am not a gamer but I like to play. I would like to see a 4x4 game come out soon... a real one that you can modify your vehicle and such. I doubt many people would buy it except us enthusiasts but it is wishful thinking. I like racing games and blowing Shizz up games. James Bond is always fun. Mostly racing games though.

I only play when I have time or when I am really pissed off. I like to drive it like I stole it! Can't drive the Jeep that way, can't afford the gas nowadays!


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I know you Xbox guys have your doubts about the smaller portable game systems such as the Game boy, but I think you are missing out on a great opportunity here.

Here me out. Say you divert 10% of your monthly budget for pogs, Magik cards, and Xbox games into a game boy and a few select games. Say, for instance, fate finds you hanging out with friends---or say a girl (one on one (icky I know)). After the initial shock wears off you always need to find someway to ground yourself. You can excuse yourself to the bathroom, get in a few quick minutes of Game Boy and Blam!!! you're back in the mix! You now have a way to mask the uncomfortable pains that are ever-present in social interaction with the familiar solace of gaming!! Think of the opportunities. This could be the coolest thing since D&D!!!



By endurance we conquer
Cody said:
I know you Xbox guys have your doubts about the smaller portable game systems such as the Game boy, but I think you are missing out on a great opportunity here.

Here me out. Say you divert 10% of your monthly budget for pogs, Magik cards, and Xbox games into a game boy and a few select games. Say, for instance, fate finds you hanging out with friends---or say a girl (one on one (icky I know)). After the initial shock wears off you always need to find someway to ground yourself. You can excuse yourself to the bathroom, get in a few quick minutes of Game Boy and Blam!!! you're back in the mix! You now have a way to mask the uncomfortable pains that are ever-present in social interaction with the familiar solace of gaming!! Think of the opportunities. This could be the coolest thing since D&D!!!

Cody you are a mastermind!! :eek: :D :rofl: :rofl:


baaaaaaaaaad to the bone
Supporting Member
Cody said:
I had an xbox, and in the year I owned it it got about 2 hours playing time by me. I would play for about 20 minutes, then get really bored with it.


Yeah, as you know, I bought your xbox, a couple days later I bought the Spiderman 2 game. In the first week, I probably logged about 10 hours on the game.

Haven't touched it since except to play DVDs.

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
Cody said:
I know you Xbox guys have your doubts about the smaller portable game systems such as the Game boy, but I think you are missing out on a great opportunity here.

Here me out. Say you divert 10% of your monthly budget for pogs, Magik cards, and Xbox games into a game boy and a few select games. Say, for instance, fate finds you hanging out with friends---or say a girl (one on one (icky I know)). After the initial shock wears off you always need to find someway to ground yourself. You can excuse yourself to the bathroom, get in a few quick minutes of Game Boy and Blam!!! you're back in the mix! You now have a way to mask the uncomfortable pains that are ever-present in social interaction with the familiar solace of gaming!! Think of the opportunities. This could be the coolest thing since D&D!!!


best laugh I've had all week :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Well-Known Member
yep, I have had all the systems and have sold all but PS time for all the systems is probably less than 2-3 hours...I always think it might be fun then I get it and realize in about 5 mins that its still just as boring as ever...the only two games I ever played much at all was the original Mario Bros and ExciteBike both on the original NES :D


I drive Frankenstein!!
I don't understand this stereotype... gamers not having lives. I guess you have ran into a few in your day. I have met a few and yes that steriotype fits them well but to steriotype everyone who plays a PS or Gamecube, or Xbox as the D&D type is just as funny as... well.. steriotyping 4 wheelers as people who tear up land and pollute the earth. Not all people are the same because they play games or rockcrawl etc.

I am sure they think.. (like my wife thinks ;) ) spend thousands of dollars on a rig only to go and break it on it's maiden voyage, what is so fun about that. Different strokes for different folks ya know.

Stereotyping is not cool.. funny at times.. but not cool
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