Wake up Utah


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
It has taken me 17 years here in Utah to finally figure out why four wheelers in Utah are not more concerned about road closures and the possible end to their life style.
They have not been personally hurt by their favorite trail being closed and because there are so many good trails and roads here in Utah there has always been somewhere else to go.
Well, wake up Utah, so far there have been at least 6500 miles of trails closed and if some conservationist groups get there way 9 million acres will be closed that include many miles of trails that just might concern you.
I remember how things happened in California. A few were concerned until both Senators, that happened to be liberal Democrat conservationist, decided to close great portions of the Mojave desert along with new laws that named wilderness area's and Wilderness Study Areas. It was almost too late but because of groups like the California Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs (CA4WDC), California Off Road Vehicle Association (CORVA), Blue Ribbon Coalition (BRC), California Off Road League (CORL), and World of Rockhounds (WOR) that were able to get members to join , donate, and become active they have been able to stem the tide in some cases.

Wake up Utahan's, keeping roads open depends on you, not the other guy or other organization. JOIN, DONATE, BECOME ACTIVE, before it is too late.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
Welcome on behalf of RME and the U4WDA.
Be sure to read all the instructions in "Introductions & using the Forum".

U4WDA believes the four wheeling community is best served by:
1. Education thru the use of classes, pamphlets, and films to teach responsible conservation.
2. Use Auto Dealerships and suppliers for the distribution of information.
3. Support Utah Counties in obtaining Quiet Claims to roads within their jurisdiction.
4. Stays informed and work closely with all Government Agencies and local law enforcement.
5. Where practical uses peer pressure to keep OHV use within the law.
6. Inform local agencies and law enforcement of illegal OHV use.

We promote the following: BRC/UFWDA: National legislation, action alerts, lobbying, etc
USA-All:- Local legislation, action alerts, lobbying, etc
U4WDA: On the ground actions. Service projects, education, club training, broadcasting the needs of Usa-All, UFWDA & BRC to its member clubs. Require clubs to be members of Usa-All, UFWDA & BRC, tie it into dues.
Member Clubs: Rides, education, hats, jackets, newsletters, raffles, etc. Require membership in U4WDA
Individuals: Join a club and promote responsible use amongst fellow travelers.
BRC:- National legislation, action alerts, lobbying, etc
Usa-All:- Local legislation, action alerts, lobbying, etc
U4WDA: On the ground actions. Service projects, education, club training, broadcasting the needs of Usa-All & BRC to its member clubs. Require clubs to be members of Usa-All & BRC, tie it into dues.
Member Clubs: Rides, education, hats, jackets, newsletters, raffles, etc. Require membership in U4WDA
Individuals: Join a club and promote responsible use amongst fellow travelers.

