Ward Canyon Trail temporarily closed

I went up above the B yesterday and spoke to the Ranger. He said that from the parking lot to Buckland Flats is open, anything above Buckland Flats is closed because of the pipeline construction. He also said that the Forest Service (FS) will be meeting this week on whether or not to open the road to the top. He said that Skyline drive over to Farmington will remain closed for atleast two weeks because of snow and they will keep the road heading south closed as well because of the pipeline construction.

While I was talking to him he said he was on his way to gating off Tuttle Loop because this was a way that the motorcycles could get around the other side of the mountain near the pipeline construction. I was getting tired of hearing about the pipeline and how they could keep everything closed.

So there you have it. It sounds as if the fun part of Bountiful (Tuttle Loop) will not be enjoyed for most of the summer. I had heard that it will take until September for the pipeline to be completed.
I emailed Kathy Jo Pollock at the Forest Service and here is her response

The Ward Canyon road is open to the junction with the Skyline Drive and Sessions Mountain Road. There is a possibility that the Skyline Drive will be open sometime next week. Farmington Canyon may be closed until the middle of August. Mueller Park at this time will be closed until the pipline construction is completed in that area. Not sure where the Tuttle Loop Road is. KJ
I looked up information on Bountiful Peak Campground.

The site said the campground would be closed until after Aug 3 due to the road that leads to it being closed until then.
I know that you can now go from Bountiful over to Farmington but the gate is closed at the top of Farmington. I know someone that is going today to see if the road that goes from the Flats over to the maintenance sheds is open.