Way to go Emery County

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
is it me or is there just zero comprimise with suwa? their way or the freeway, I just find it hard that they are working for the "greater" good of the land.


Registered User
Salt Lake City
""First of all, these aren't roads - they're dirt tracks and trails." I've seen SUWA pricks on these very ROADS!!!! BASTARDS!.
She needs to be beatin!!!

Is the Copper Glode road really Closed?
"Officials with the Shared Access Alliance, the state's largest OHV organization, were unavailable for comment."



Sandy, UT
Because the lazy jackasses at the Trib are too liberal and lazy to bother looking up their phone number.

Clutch..dunno what the deal is with Copper Globe.... I wonder how far that road really goes, maybe the end of it is closed? No idea....



Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
Hiedi Mcintosh said:
This is a public land grab for the [OHV] groups, who are about the only ones who can access these routes.
I had my truck with camper going 70 mph on Mexican mountain road. There was also a Toyota Solare with us. Smoothest dirt road I have ever been on. :rolleyes:


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
The mexican mountain road is the left fork right before the bridge (where we dropped into the river). I believe it is currently only 12 miles long, but it used to be longer. It's blocked off just before you reach the end of Lower Black Box Canyon--but it seems like it was blocked off due to the road being washed out. That would be killer if it was reoppened--we could go down there and probably get our buggies through the part of the road that was washed out. It's probably been ten years (at least) since I've been down to the end of that road.



Lobbyist \ Consultant
scoutabout said:
"Officials with the Shared Access Alliance, the state's largest OHV organization, were unavailable for comment."

..sensitive subject here...

Because Joe Baird called our office around 4:00 pm the night before the story printed, to ask us some questions. I was gone. For whatever reason he didn't call my cell, and yes he has that number.

Or maybe I should say it is because we are out kicking arse on these issues, and since we don't have an annual budget of 2.8 million dollars like some puke organizations, we can’t afford to hire any more "office" staff or "field attorneys" to answer the phone.

So let me ask you, are you are you an active member of USA-ALL? If so, thank you so much, you can question us all you want; if your not an ACTIVE member (meaning: if you donated 10 bucks 4 years ago, that doesn’t count), why? Have we offended you? Or are these issues not important enough to join? Why aren’t you an active member?

One more thing, due to legal reasons I cant go into details, but I can say with 100% surety this suit, we are all so stoked about, would have not happened when and how it did were it not for USA-ALL. Yet another example of how we make things happen, sometimes behind the scenes but we cant take as much of the credit as we deserve.


Registered User
Sorry, I caught this one late and the SL trib. link is no longer working. What is happening with this area near Mexican Hat mountain? I grew up in that area and regularly go climbing/hiking/canyoneering.... in the area. The road is blocked a couple of miles from the end up upper black box. It is a little washed out but still very much there and I think would still be passable by any moderately capable 4x4. If they say that the open section of mexican hat mountain road is mostly used by off-roaders they couldn't be more wrong and have obviously never visited it themselves. The last five or six times I've been there (all in the last year) I bet I didn't see more that a couple of ATV's or motorcycles, and no real rock crawling rigs. The only people I've met down there, and I've talked to most that I've seen, are hiking/kayaking black box or rock climbing (Dylan's Wall). Most of these are probably card carrying SUWA members.
As a side note I called the Price BLM office just before the end of the last public comment period to ask a few questions about that area. There was an area in the drainage just north-east of the end of the mexican hat mountain road that was no longer marked as closed to motorized use. I asked what was going on since it is miles from any road and they person I was talking to had no idea why anything had changed in the area. I asked if the new proposals would affect the mexican hat mountain road and he said that he didn't think so (he was very informed and helpfull). Anyways... if someone could take a second and catch me up to speed on this I would appreciate it.