Ways to boost performance/mpg out of a stock 4runner with 22re motor?

try driving the vehicle first. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with the truck. It's no powerhouse, but neither is a 1.6L sidekick. What kind of MPG are you getting out of your current rig?

Motor swaps are cool, no doubt about it. But think about how much driving you'll have to do to offset the cost.
Motor swaps are cool, no doubt about it. But think about how much driving you'll have to do to offset the cost.

Definately understand that. I am getting about 18mpg right now and am getting ready to seafoam it all to see if that helps boost mpg. In another vehicle like the 4runner I would like slightly more mpg, convertible, and the amount of aftermaket parts available(not much for the sidekick and the ones available are not for the light pocket people).
I'd be very surprised if any of those motor swaps got you more than 25 mpg. I'll bet you could get 20-25 mpg out of a stock 22re runner if its running well.

I would like slightly more mpg, convertible, and the amount of aftermaket parts available(not much for the sidekick and the ones available are not for the light pocket people).

No kidding, sidekicks are not cheap to build. I'd try driving the 4runner stock and seeing what kind of MPG you're getting. I wouldn't expect to see any MPG increases from seafoam, unless your engine is REALLY clogged up. I still seafoam my vehicles, but I do it to clean out the carbon and keep it running longer, rather than seeking for MPG gains.
It's funny, some 22res run like a top and get 17 mpg, and others run ok and get 23. It's like they have their own personalities. I wouldn't expect to be able to "boost" mpg with those tricks. When I've had 22res, I just accept what the MPG is and move on.
Right now hp isnt a big deal to me since I dont get out and wheel but I want a something with decent mpg to get me from one point to another and provide a good base for when I get the time and money to wheel more often. Since ive only been out a handful of times I need to learn with the small stuff before the large like the 22re.
Have any of you toyota guys tossed around the idea of the 7mgte supra motor swap? There is one on ksl right now thats not completely finished and after getting on youtube to search for videos of this swap its got me excited and I dont have a 4runner yet.

Robby ended up with my old 7MGE engine, I never got it running as I parted out the project. IMO the 7MGE is a good balance of power, the 7MGTE is a killer engine, especially if you want to make a lot of power. They're a tight fit in a pickup, usually you have to run an electric fan in front of the radiator as a stock fan clutch won't fit. There is a good deal of wiring involved. Both engines are known to blow head gaskets if you overheat them, which can be easy while crawling, the turbo engine would be more susceptible of course, due to boost. Upgrading the HG and adding head studs is worth considering.
I was following Dallons lexas swap into his 4door 4runner for awhile and it just seemed like one headache after another. Is the 3.4 swap in the most populer in these 1st gens

they lexus v8 and the 3.4 are about the same difficulty,(imo the only thing really harder about the 4.0 is motormounts) they are really not hard swaps, dylan had a few troubles, i think it was his first swap(imo from what ive seen he did a great job) and he kept the auto trans, which makes things a lot harder.

the easiest swap in my opinion is going from a 22re to a 7mge. you can even find the right combo of motor mounts and it will bolt right into your frame rails.
the easiest swap in my opinion is going from a 22re to a 7mge. you can even find the right combo of motor mounts and it will bolt right into your frame rails.

While we're talking about it, what's your thoughts on a w56 behind a 7mge? Too much motor for that trans?
I just finished my 7mge swap and i absolutely love it so far! No complaints. And im running the w56 behind my 7m and no problems. And ive been beating the crap out of it lately