We have a copycat wheeler!!!!


Kinda crabby latley
East side
Hey brent...... I was going shopping for good quality porn yesterday. I ended up off 215 and redwood road by walmart, there was this recently done fugly bashe cheromut on 33-35 boggers, 10 wide rims. It had 4doors and a hacked back. I didn't get a chance to go ask him any q's. Just thought it was funny. I love starting "trends" like that. I started seeing half doors on local toys a couple years after I would run with mine all summer. There were local guys who were wheeling for 10 years prier to me and said that no-one ran half doors local cuz it was "illegal" so I was the only one. Then it started :) guess the cheromuts will be the next cool trend....


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Supporting Member
Did it have it's spare tire mounted at an angle in the back with the tire mount incorporated into the rear bumper? That thing has been around a while, I saw it at safari this year. I think the guy that built it is building my buddies cruiser right now cause he brought over some pics of the cruise and the XJ was in them.

at any rate, it's way nice but it's too tall for my blood. I don't think it has borton's wheelbase either.



Kinda crabby latley
East side
this thing wasn't very big. It just cleared the 33-35's. I didn't get to see the rear of the truck. It didn't seem like it had and really cool points. Other than the roof. The back half was still a slightly different color than the rest of the truck. Thats what makes me think it was new. It was kinda beat up though........


Vanilla Gorilla
ive seen several over the years. it is not that popular but not that rare. i saw a big old mid 70's chief that was hacked like that. it looked pretty cool!!