Website Marketing Ideas

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Here was my first impression: "Extreme rock crawler" is mentioned numerous times yet the Jeep pictured is nowhere near that and if you think it is, then we're on 2 entirely different planets and I don't belong on that site.

Now, with that being said, here are my questions. What is it that you want from this site? Why did you build it to start with and what is the end result you see? I'm by no means a marketing guru, it just seems to me if you know what you're heading towards, it's a bit easier to get there. Strictly my opinion though. :)

Lifelong Jeeper

Well-Known Member
I too browsed your site for a quick first impression. Yes it has potential for improvement and here are a couple suggestions IMO.

1. I agree with BroncoMama in that what you view as "extreme rockcrawler" is probably more along the lines of a modified Jeep. Since that seems to be your current experience I would focus on that. Extreme Rockcrawling is a totally different realm where even a very small percentage of offroad enthusiasts have any true experience. Look toward the larger population and get the more inexperienced people involved and educated.

2. There is a very specific difference between marketing and advertising and you need to develope a plan for both. Marketing is strategizing on how to get your product to a target audience which requires you to first understand that audience. What do they want, need or have to have and how are you not only going to supply it to them but get them to buy as well. Advertising is more for drumming up interest in the general public where if they buy from you then great but they aren't necessarily who your targeted focus is. (I am not in anyway experienced in either Marketing or Advertising but this is my opinion.) I agree with the general concensus in saying that you need to define what your goals are and then put together some strategy on how to get them out there. First impressions are crucial and if you don't already have a mind blowing site, people simply will not return to it. You don't have room for a learning curve and have to nail it the first time.

There isn't anything personal on this thread. You asked for some business ideas and I think everybody on here (especially Spencuri) has given you extremely valuable information that will help you to excel. Don't get discouraged, just get busy. Good luck!
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